Without looking at the intersections in question, I suspect they could be
traffic calming circles. These are common in residential areas. They're
frequently uncontrolled and unsigned and the purpose of them is to slow
down traffic, not to improve traffic flow like a roundabout.

I agree with Albert that junction=circular is the way to go. However, I'm
unsure of whether it would be better to just tag the intersection node or
draw out the circle and add 4 nodes as the wiki seems to suggest. I think
you can argue it either way, there's technically a roundish right of way,
but all of the ones I've seen are basically a hole cut in the middle of an
otherwise straight intersection. Sometimes the circle is small enough that
you can swerve around it if you're going straight. It's not something I've
tried to map before so I haven't given it much thought.

On Fri, Sep 7, 2018 at 1:54 PM Albert Pundt <roadsgu...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Roundabouts are somewhat common nowadays in the US and follow the same
> rules as European roundabouts: entering traffic yields to circle traffic.
> Many intersections, such as the rotaries in Massachusetts, follow these
> rules despite not being signed as "roundabouts."
> We do, however, still have many oldschool traffic circles with odd
> yielding rules, or just nothing signed at all. These are typically tagged
> with junction=circular.
> On Fri, Sep 7, 2018 at 2:37 PM Marian Poara <marian.po...@telenav.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> We have a short but important question: should we tag with
>> “junction=roundabout”  the circular intersections in US where there is a
>> physical center you can’t drive over and there is more than one way
>> entering, based on satellite imagery? (some examples here: 40.5234202,
>> -111.8762446, 35.8497728, -86.4547473, 42.6811136, -73.6987507, 40.22109,
>> -76.874981). And if we have OSC or Mapillary street level images and it is
>> confirmed that they don’t have any roundabout sign? In many residential
>> areas (but not only), there isn’t any one way sign inside the small
>> “roundabouts” and it seems that both directions are used.
>> Thanks and regards!
>> Marian Poara
>> Marian Poară
>> Map Analyst
>> www.telenav.com
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