Hi all,

If you live in or around New York City, please join us for the OSM NYC
Building and Address Import Kickoff Tomorrow:


This event will be our official launch of importing the one million
buildings from the New York City government dataset into
OpenStreetMap, along with their addresses.

This will be a community driven import, meaning that every building
imported will be checked by a human being. That also means we need you
to help!

At the event this weekend, we will be providing background on the
import, as well as providing instruction for how to import the data.

This will not be an easy or short process. I estimate that it will
take about a year to complete the import, but once it's completed, we
will have an incredible resource on our hands from which to build on.

If you're unable to make tomorrow's event but still want to be
involved, don't worry; we'll be having other events like this in the
future, and we will be refining our documentation so that even if you
can't make an event, you will be able to follow along.

- Serge

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