Hello -

I have an early version of an application that I wanted to share. Please be kind with it. There is documentation on the app.

The idea here is that people may want to keep track of the health of a set of relations. Governmental entities, if they find a way to use OSM, will want to "watch over" the relations that they care about. Someone doing thematic analysis of maps using OSM data will most likely have to maintain external references to the OSM relations that they are relating their data to, so they may want to be aware of the referential integrity of the relations.

Does anyone have suggestions or thoughts on this? I am more interested in ideas than an evaluation of this particular implementation. I used a fairly old-school technology for building the app, but I was in the team at Apple that developed these frameworks, so I still use it. Which is not the point.

If anyone is interested in having write=access to the app, let me know. See the link on "Accounts" for details.

Right now, I have sets for:

- 'Cities of California'

- 'Counties of California'

- 'US Federally Recognized Native American Reservations' - names only, no relation links yet. (a work in progress)

- 'States of Countries' - includes Colombia and a start at Peru.

Well, if anyone has ideas, do not be shy. But then, that is not a problem for this group, is it? :--)

cheers - ray

ps: the URL will change once I finish tweaking my web server, but forwarding information should be up if it is needed.

See: http://opencalaccess.org:55555/cgi-bin/WebObjects/app.woa/wa/boundaries?i=f9e5024c-2c68-4621-8d6a-1bae0f93dcc3

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