Re: [Tango-L] Cadencia y ritmo

2008-09-02 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
In Spanish as every other language the same word can have several meanings.  
Salida means exit, but also beginning.  The second meaning comes from the first 
- you begin a voyage by leaving a house or train station or the sidelines of a 
dance floor.

So with cadencia.  One meaning is a general one, moving to the music.

Beat and rhythm, compas and ritmo, are part of this movement.  They have two 
different meanings.  The beat is the underlying pulse of the music, which 
generally stays the same for the entire piece of music.  Or stays the same for 
passages of the music.  D'Arienzo (el rey del compas) was known for his audible 
steady beat, but also experimented with changing tempo in different parts of a 

Rhythm builds on the beat but is not captive to it.  The basic rhythm of the 
Argentine tango is slow-slow - ONE two Three four, where one steps on the major 
beats (the 1st and 3rd).  This is the natural rhythm of walking.  This is why a 
couple can learn to dance the tango (in a very simple way) in a half-hour or 
They already have most of the skills they need to have fun, to really dance 
rather than robotically do figures.

But much of the power of tango is that traditionally dancers are allowed to 
depart from the basic rhythm for shorter or longer periods of time, then come 
back to it.  The leader can replace a slow step with double, triple, or even 
faster steps.  If he firms up his embrace his partner knows to keep pace with 
him.  If he relaxes it she knows to keep to the basic rhythm.

Thus tango can be primally simple or sophisticatedly complex.

What is the specific meaning of cadencia?  Most of my years (almost twenty) of 
dancing tango it meant stepping in place, as the military do when marching in 
place, keeping the cadence.  Some people (including native Spanish speakers) 
it to mean doing rock steps.  Which goes to show that language is not produced 
by robots, but by changeable, error-prone, humans.

Larry de Los Angeles

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Re: [Tango-L] Cadencia y ritmo, an example

2008-09-01 Thread Dubravko Kakarigi
As an example of cadencias, one can take just about any clip of a dance by Tete 
(and Silvia, but not necessarily), especially when he (they) dance a vals. For 
example full of cadencias (at least as Tete teaches and explains and dances 
them) see:

especially two short ones starting at about 2:11. Does that fit your 
understanding of cadencias?

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[Tango-L] Cadencia y ritmo

2008-09-01 Thread Sergio Vandekier

Cadence and rhythm in Spanish is a reference to the harmony between the sounds 
and the movements of the dancer.

Cadencia :  En danza, armonización de los sonidos y los movimientos del 
bailarín: la brusca cadencia del baile moderno. 

Ritmo :   MÚS. Orden al que se sujeta la sucesión de los sonidos en la música: 
lleva el ritmo con las palmas. 

3. the beat, rate, or measure of any rhythmic movement: The chorus line danced 
in rapid cadence. 
4. the flow or rhythm of events, esp. the pattern in which something is 
experienced: the frenetic cadence of modern life.  
5. a slight falling in pitch of the voice in speaking or reading, as at the end 
of a declarative sentence.  
6. the general modulation of the voice.  

7. Music. a sequence of notes or chords that indicates the momentary or 
complete end of a composition, section, phrase, etc.  
–verb (used with object) 8. to make rhythmical.  

Beat,Music. to mark (time) by strokes, as with the hand or a metronome

Music. a. the audible, visual, or mental marking of the metrical divisions of 
b. a stroke of the hand, baton, etc., marking the time division or an accent 
for music during performance.  

  f. Serie de sonidos, movimientos o acciones que se suceden de un modo regular 
o armónico: cadencia de una melodía. 

Distribución armónica de los acentos y las pausas de un texto: cadencia de un 

En danza, armonización de los sonidos y los movimientos del bailarín: la brusca 
cadencia del baile moderno. 

Ritmo, compás: la suave cadencia de su voz.
  m. MÚS. Orden al que se sujeta la sucesión de los sonidos en la música: lleva 
el ritmo con las palmas. 

Ordenación armoniosa y regular, basada en los acentos y el número de sílabas, 
que puede establecerse en el lenguaje: ritmo de acentuación. 

Orden acompasado en la sucesión o acaecimiento de las cosas: el corazón le late 
con un ritmo irregular. 

Velocidad a que se desarrolla algo: andar a buen ritmo.

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