Re: [tanya-jawab] Tanya: VirtualBox (tidak bisa koneksi web/mysql)

2011-09-03 Terurut Topik
On Sat, Sep 3, 2011 at 10:53 AM, rednux wrote:
 Dear All,,
 coba install virtualbox di winxp pakai os: CENTOS
 install sukses..bisa koneksi via SSH dari xp ke centos..TAPI gak bisa
 koneksi ke Mysql (port 3306) dan Webserver (port 80)
 mohon pencerahanx bagian mana yg belum di setting ya ? agar bisa
 buka/koneksi mysq dan membuka webserver local di centos ?

 $netstat -pln |grep 3306
 tcp        0      0      *
      LISTEN      2011/mysqld
 netstat -pln |grep 80
 tcp        0      0        *
      LISTEN      1868/nginx.conf
 # network centos
 eth0 (BRIDGE)
 eth1 (NAT)

disini udah keliatan anehnya
apakah di  setting network di virtualbox (vboxnet0) dhcp servernya di enable?
kalau iya seharusnya ip guest OS
ada di range -

 #  netwotk xp
 Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection:

        Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . :
        IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . :
        Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
        Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :

 Ethernet adapter VirtualBox Host-Only Network:

        Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . :
        IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . :
        Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
        Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :

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Re: [tanya-jawab] Simalakama Linux dan Multimedia

2011-07-31 Terurut Topik
On Sun, Jul 31, 2011 at 8:07 AM, EIEN Mihoshi wrote:

 Like it or not, Linux (along with *BSD and other open-source OSes)
 always lags behind Windows in multimedia functionality. It’s not
 really a big deal for average Hollywood Blockbuster Fags, since
 DVDRIP or even worse CAM-TS are still much the same as the
 prehistoric age, still the same AVI format and inferior SubRip
 external subtitles. But when it comes to anime-fags, surely they’ll
 be annoyed, since anime fansubbing (read:piracy) scene always pushing
 hard to the latest power-ups in multimedia technology. Substation
 Alpha, Matroska container are to name a few, and while only 5 out of
 8 Windows desktop can play Matroska format, they came up with
 ordered-chapter Matroska, and now the latest h264 Hi10P format which
 puts frowns on the faces of Windows and Linux animefags alike.

 But the pathos is always heavier for us Linux hipsters. The ordered
 chapter Matroska hasn’t made its way to mplayer, the most functional
 media player for Linux platform. A less popular but newer mplayer
 fork called mplayer2 has implemented it, but we can see it here that
 the Linux multimedia developers are reluctant when it comes to
 catching up with the latest developments. In ordered-chapter case,
 the reason is security, because they suspected that linked files can
 be manipulated to do some harm to the computer. An even worse case,
 Aegisub build for Linux is still less-stable than its Windows
 counterpart, crashing every now and then (Aegisubs developers are
 clearly Windows-minded, since the keyboard shortcut for ‘Quit’ is
 Alt+F4, even in the Linux port). Aegisub devel teams don’t seem to
 care much for other than Windows, as the failure of the latest source
 code to compile against newer FFmpeg versions indicates that they
 still use older (prehistoric) FFmpeg. To date, Assdraw hasn’t even
 seen a fork for OSes other than Windows.

 The Firsthand Experience

 Now my friends from Indonesian fansub community are blabbering about
 the shining-new h264 Hi10P. This is a format of h264 which encodes
 each color channel in 10 bits, as opposed to the older (and
 normal-world standard) h264 which uses 8 bits. This means more
 fidelity at a given bitrate, and possibly smaller file size (profit
 for those trapped in developed countries where broadband means
 5kBps). Well, I put my trust on my rolling-release distro, checking
 repository, assuring x264 installed in my system was the newest, and
 it was. I checked the help texts, no option for Hi10P. I found a
 header file from x264 package which defined bit depth as 8. It seemed
 that my x264 from the distro was hardcoded for 8 bit encoding. Next
 step, I searched in x264 user-build package, none of which supported
 10 bit.

 OK, let’s do it the hard way. I grabbed the source, wrote a
 distro-specific build script. My guess was right, x264 is either
 hardcoded for 8 bit or 10 bit, but no switch to choose one of either
 on-the-fly. A compile-failure solved by disabling software scaler.
 Package build succeed. Here’s my distro-specific build script.

 Time to test it. For the test material I used the live-action PV of
 Morning Arch from a DVD ISO. It is interlaced, and has 702×480
 display size. For adjustment I run the source through these filters
 before passing them to x264: linear-blend to deal with the
 interlacing, crop filter to remove vertical black bands, contrast
 enhancement (the video looks like it was ripped from a bleached 16mm
 roll), and the last, denoise to suppress noise induced by contrast
 enhancement. The encoding is done by x264 and mplayer in tandem,
 using a yuv4mpeg FIFO. I set the quality as CRF 26.

 It was pretty much a heavy burden for my Core2Duo, 1GB laptop. CPU
 load skyrocketed to 100% while CPU temp rose to 81′C (8 degrees below
 critical), and the chromium browser lagged. Nevertheless my laptop
 managed to finish it without getting overheated. The result seemed to
 be very promising: an 19MB raw h264 stream, or a total of 31MB
 Matroska file with Ogg audio, ripped from a 343MB DVD ISO. You can’t
 grab the torrent here.

 Well, I was ready to test it with mplayer2. But it was not my lucky
 day, mplayer2 spat out error messages and refused to play the video.
 It turns out that the distro’s official version of FFmpeg doesn’t
 support Hi10P. The latest git version has the support, but it takes
 forever to clone the entire git branch, so I’ll save that later when
 I get a better internet.

 Now I am waiting for feedback from leechers who had downloaded my

 Concluding Remarks

 While being a tough guy in networking, programming and security area,
 Linux (and other *NIXen) is pretty weak in multimedia. Even a
 rolling-release, bleeding-edge distro couldn’t always provide support
 for newest multimedia quirks. Most fansubbers out there are 

Re: [tanya-jawab] Limuxmin11

2011-06-27 Terurut Topik
 Saya baru upgrade Mint 8 ke Mint 11 namun saya cari folder .evolution tdk 
 ada. Dimana ya di Mint 11

 Mohon suggest nya

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coba cari di .config/evlution

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Re: [tanya-jawab] Salam Kenal

2011-02-27 Terurut Topik
2011/2/23 dedi
 Salam kenal juga pak :)
 Selamat datang..


 Hallo  Salam kenal semua , ikut nimbrung ya ... Baru joint di milist ini 

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salam kenal juga pak...
mari saling membantu dan berbagi ilmu :D

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Re: [tanya-jawab] Server all in one

2011-01-17 Terurut Topik
 Yups seperti mekanisme untuk melakukan debug/troubleshootnya seperti letak 
 file log dan lainnya , cmiiw
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 -Original Message-
 From: Cahyo Purnomo
 Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2011 13:59:07
 Subject: Re: [tanya-jawab] Server all in one
 beda orang beda selera, saya juga lebih prefer semua di setup dari nol.
 tapi terkadang keadaan memaksa (baca: butuh cepat selesai) sehingga
 solusi all in one sangat berperan.

 akan tetapi solusi all in one perlu uji coba yg intens agar masalah yg
 timbul kemudian hari tidak merepotkan.

 2011/1/11 sonjaya
 waduh gan kalau ane krg doyan yg all in one , paling  demen yg gelap
 gelap getuh and from source lebih  lama setup tapi keringat  itu

 2011/1/10 Thoriq Rachmat
 Coba sharing ilmu aja, pada 6 bulan yang lalu saya mendapatkan masalah 
 dengan server, waktu itu dan skr saya masih beginner, trus saya menemukan 
 SME Server, yang saya suka dari server ini adalah kelengkapan dari server 
 ini dari mail server sampai cron ada semua serta dokumentasinya, namun 
 kelemahan server ini yg baru saya temukan adalah sulitnya membuat 
 loadbalancing dan failure over, untuk teman2 rekan linux yg males membaca 
 dengan bahasa inggris saya sudah coba sedikit merangkumnnya dalam blog saya 
 di dan untuk dokumentasinya ada di, bagi teman2 yg sudah explore sme server harap 
 dishare jg untuk kemajuan server yg user friendly jangan mau kalah ama 
 Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung 


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 Best Regards,
 Cahyo Purnomo

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mirip2 Zentyal dan Clearos ya ?

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