Re: a fixed-width font for you to try out

2002-12-07 Thread Allie C Martin
Maxxx [M] wrote:'

M Lately, out of lack of a reasonable monospaced font, I decided to
M take a whack at Softy the font editor, and create a font for my
M own use.
M So, here goes:

It doesn't seem like a bad font, but I can't increase the size from
8 point. I use a high screen resolution so I use size 10 or 11
fonts. Usually font smoothing kicks in by then making them much
richer to look at. I currently use Lucida Console at size 10.

  -=] Allie C Martin [=-  {List Moderator}

MUA: TB! v1.62 Christmas Edition ___ OS: WinXP Pro (SP1)

 Current beta is 1.62b16 | Using TBBETA information:

Re: Softimage is JavaScriptable, even Photoshop lately, why not Bat?:)

2002-12-07 Thread Thomas Fernandez
Hello MaXxX,

On Sat, 7 Dec 2002 02:37:05 +0100 GMT (07/12/02, 08:37 +0700 GMT),
MaXxX wrote:

 Possible uses:

   Moderation aid: one-click message accepting or rejecting, powered by
   counters linked to the sender's data and automatically sending out
   expel the user from the list when more than 10 messages get

Isn't this the job of the list server rather than an MUA?

   Spamcop forwarding: a script could launch the Spamcop website, fill in
   the forms with appropriate data, send it out, and delete the message
   from TheBat.

I have this already. I just hit crtl-alt-S on any spam and it gets
exactly this treatment. Check out the library. ;-)

   Outbound message warnings: have a script analyze the message you're
   about to send and for example warn you that you're using a
   surprisingly large amount of strong language, aren't you overreacting
   a bit? maybe you should take a good look at the message again..? or

Nanny software with artificial intelligence. Well, if it is a plug-in
I don't need to download, and if it is not written by Ritlabs thus not
taking resources away from a very good email-client - IOW: if I can
completely ignore this option exists - go ahead and write it. ;-)

 General reminders: addressbook entries scanning for birthdays or
 other significant dates,

Already exists. But then, I thought TB was an email client, not a
general can-do-all software. I don't know what these birthday
reminders have to do with an email client, but here they are.

 warnings about overdue messages in the outbox (The message from
 John Doe, dated 1.12.02, was marked as important, and you started to
 write a reply but it has been 3 days since then and you still
 haven't sent it out!)

You don't mean this.

 AND THE MOST IMPORTANT USE: all those things could be written as
 plugins, so our RitLabs guys could safely wave off people's feature
 requests with oh, that... why don't you write a plugin yourself? :P

Plug-ins, so the rumour goes, will be possible in v2.



Moderator der deutschen The Bat! Beginner Liste.

WE LEARN that the Acme ultrasonic dog whistle warns purchasers: This
product will be ineffective if your dog is deaf. Well, well, well.

Message reply created with The Bat! 1.62 Christmas Edition
under Chinese Windows 98 4.10 Build  A 
using an AMD Athlon K7 1.2GHz, 128MB RAM

 Current beta is 1.62b16 | Using TBBETA information: