Re: IMAP log files

2012-04-02 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Raymund,

On Mon, 2 Apr 2012 22:19:05 +0200GMT (2-4-2012, 22:19 , where I
live), you wrote:

RT> I just deleted 90 gigabytes of IMAP log files.
RT> With the setting verbose log on and maximum logfiles 60 KB.

But that's not the account log, the setting for the account log can be
set in the account properties.
The imap.log is a protocol log file.
Protocol  log files store everything (including the contents of your
messages, that's why they grow so much) and as they're intended solely
for  problem  retrieval  purposes  you're  not  supposed  to keep them
continuously enabled.

Groetjes, Roelof

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The Bat! (BETA)
Windows 7 6.1 Build 7601 Service Pack 1
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Re: IMAP log files

2012-04-02 Thread Rick
> Hi TBBeta,

> I just deleted 90 gigabytes of IMAP log files.

> With the setting verbose log on and maximum logfiles 60 KB.

> Anyone else sees these big logfiles?

Mine is 20 k, but not set to verbose

Few will have the greatness to bend history; however, each time a man stands up 
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injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope... and crossing each other from 
a million different centers of energy and daring those ripples build a current 
that can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.
- Robert F. Kennedy

v5.0.36.4 (BETA) on Windows XP 5.1 Build  2600
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