Re: [] Bugs with creation of encrypted mail from original base

2004-11-05 Thread Julien RANC
Hello testers;

ZW> Hello all!

ZW> I was asked to decide either creation of new account or use backup
ZW> copy of previous data. Of course, I select retrieving from backup,
ZW> and then AV appeared:

Same here, but with an additional error when selecting the .tbk backup
file (not an AV)

ZW> ,--
ZW> | Access violation at address 007D193C in module 'thebat.exe'.
ZW> | Read of address .
ZW> `--

Same AV here.

ZW> I clicked OK, and it seemed all data were retrieved. It was not really,
ZW> because The Bat! alerting me about error in reading archive file. Click on
ZW> OK resolves that problem, but more serious problems appeared after
ZW> retrieving. Here is what I get:

ZW> 1. All messages on all accounts disappeared. Holders and account hierarchy
ZW>is the same as originally. Account directories have their original names,
ZW>but all directories associated with TB folders have new encrypted names.
ZW>Message base files and configuration files have extensions beginning with
ZW>"E" letter (i.e., ".EBI" instead of original ".TBI").

Exactly the same. I stopped the experiment here, and reverted to an
unencrypted version.

  / _.'\   \Julien RANC
 /   _.'\   \
/_.-'\___\  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   |\_\ ``   .-   \ _/| ICQ# : 36623205
   |  _\___.  | 
   | /  \ |
   |__| Using The Bat! s/n 9360592E

 Current beta is Rush | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

[] Bugs with creation of encrypted mail from original base

2004-11-05 Thread Zygmunt Wereszczynski
Hello all!

I tested encryption new feature in TB! Pro version and have bad
impressions from this experience.

Starting from as original, I created backup of all settings,
accounts, address books etc. Then, according to Maxim's advice, I remove The
Bat! completely from my computer. I installed new version ( in
normal place (C:\Program Files\The Bat!) and run it. After a series of
questions (I selected password in-fly protection) I was asked to decide
either creation of new account or use backup copy of previous data. Of
course, I select retrieving from backup, and then AV appeared:

| Access violation at address 007D193C in module 'thebat.exe'.
| Read of address .

I clicked OK, and it seemed all data were retrieved. It was not really,
because The Bat! alerting me about error in reading archive file. Click on
OK resolves that problem, but more serious problems appeared after
retrieving. Here is what I get:

1. All messages on all accounts disappeared. Holders and account hierarchy
   is the same as originally. Account directories have their original names,
   but all directories associated with TB folders have new encrypted names.
   Message base files and configuration files have extensions beginning with
   "E" letter (i.e., ".EBI" instead of original ".TBI").

2. Common filters are lost.

3. Account filters were retrieved I don't know from (they are the same as in
   Old Filtering System, all new filters are discarded).

4. Mail creation, sending and retrieving from servers work OK.

5. I have lost fonts setting for message list and folder view.

Then I decided repeat all procedure without encryption. After removing TB!,
and setting it again I did not have AV message. This time there were several
errors during archive file reading, but messages were retrieved successfully.
Account filters were retrieved correctly from backup, however the "Replied
messages" common filter group lost its name, and any common filter was not

Such experiment was repeated three times with the same results. Now I work
with all settings retrieved form external backup, not from The Bat!.

I think such major change in program should be tested very thoroughly. It
seems that internal backup system must be first re-worked to be useable and

Best regards,
Zygmunt Wereszczynski
(Using The Bat! v3.0.2.5 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 4
with BayesIt! 0.7.4)

 Current beta is Rush | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -