4/15/2005  5:16 AM

Hi Allie,

On 4/14/2005 Allie Martin wrote:

AM> However, I need good evidence of commitment to really get the thing
AM> working soon without explanations that we have to make do because of
AM> POP3 architecture getting in the way as well as priority issues putting
AM> IMAP on the backseat even for a while.

As I see it the desire to market the new eye candy became more
important than functionality. That is a prescription for disaster. The
program should have been performing flawlessly before any interface
changes. I believe the developers are significantly challenged with
managing interface issues while attempting to program functionality.

As a database application developer for the past 16 years, I have
learned that it is mandatory to have a fully functional program before
the interface is designed. Otherwise a person can go crazy attempting
to figure where are the problem areas and how to implement corrective
measures. Version 2 should have been fully functional and as bug free
as possible before version 3. The result is that it will take at least
3 times longer to make V. 3 work and will frustrate enough loyal users
and promoters to the point that they might leave and never come back.
Just have a look at POCO to get an idea. Great to look at but unstable
and buggy. In the past, all of my customers have never complained
about looks once they understood the functionality of TB! My job has
always been to make sure I only exposed them to the stable and
relatively bug free versions or they would have abandoned TB! and me!

Take Care,

The Bat! v. on Win2k SP4 

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