Hello, 9Val,

Friday, August 06, 2004, you wrote:

KZ>>> Searching in VF doesn't seem to work at all.
KZ>>> Reproduce: "Message Search" toolbar button, select any VF to search in, type
KZ>>> anything, select any options you want, click "Start". In few ms TB! says
KZ>>> "Search finished. Found 0 messages."

KZ>> Noone can confirm?

9> Search in VF isn't implemented, sorry for delay

Thanks, Val.
Is it going to be implemented?

Second issue I have - since opening a folder 20K messages in my TB! at work
takes ages I had to do some shaman dances with folders (танцы с бубном). I'm
trying to keep messages only for last month (it's around 4K messages for
me). First I've created a VF with a filter to show messages for past 31
days, but since search in VF is not implemented yet I had to create a normal
filter (old one) to move all messages older than 31 days to Archive. Now I'm
seeing a glitch, at least I think it's a glitch - in a filter I've set
"Message is older than" 31 days, but messages *created* on 24 Jun and
*received* on 12 Jul are still in the folder.

Let me explain - I've been on vacation and received the mail on Jul 12th, so
my guess is - filter looks at *received* and not on *created* date, which is
wrong, no? VF behaves correctly in this case - looks at *created* date.

With best regards.

- TB! v.2.13 "Lucky" Beta/1 on Windows Server 2003 v.5.2.3790, up 3 days, 23h 22m 30s
- BayesIt! 0.5.9, MyMacros 1.10, TBPajsMacro v.
Konstantin Zhilenko
[EMAIL PROTECTED]    | ICQ:  7212604   | http://onyx.kiev.ua

 Current beta is 2.13 'Lucky' Beta/2 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

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