Dell - Internal Use - Confidential  

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dr. Greg Wettstein []
> Sent: Friday, December 9, 2016 02:33
> To: Gilbert, Travis <>; tboot-
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [tboot-devel] TPM 2.0 + TXT + EFI tboot
> On Dec 8, 10:22pm, <> wrote:
> } Subject: [tboot-devel] TPM 2.0 + TXT + EFI tboot
> Good morning, I hope this note finds the end of the week going well for
> everyone.
> > I am trying to perform a simple trusted boot on SLES 12 SP2 with TPM
> > 2.0 and EFI mode. I can verify that TXT works using getsec64.efi and
> > performing SENTER, setting the secrets flag, rebooting and doing
> > SENTER then SEXIT. When I select the "tboot 1.9.4" entry in grub2, my
> > server pauses for a bit after the loading initial RAM disk step and
> > then reboots. I then get an SINIT error notification from BIOS that
> > points to a log error (ERR_BAD_LOG_POINTER_PTR2_MATCH).
> >
> > I am working with a freshly provisioned TPM and a new install of SLES
> > 12 SP2. I added the tboot and tpm2.0-tools packages to that install
> > and modified grub2 to give me a tboot prompt (I think I added a file
> > grub-tboot to /etc/default/ to accomplish this).
> >
> > Am I missing anything?
> We've been working for almost 10 months, albeit intermittently, attempting
> to get a TPM2/TXT environment operational for our security platforms
> without complete success.  I see that Brian Luckau from SGI commented
> downthread and it appears they are still struggling to get something working
> as well.
> So you folks at Dell are probably not missing anything as much as the fact 
> that
> we are not convinced that anyone has worked out all of the issues with
> Trusted Boot on modern Intel hardware, ie. TPM2 based systems.
> If possible, could you provide some feedback on the hardware platform you
> are working on.  I'm assuming it is a Dell box of some sort... :-) I'm also
> assuming it is vPro compliant, with hardware TPM2 and that you are able to
> successfully access the TPM2 hardware from a standard Linux boot and read
> NVram, dump PCR's etc?

Yes, I can list PCRs and read NV RAM with the tpm2-tools package. I can read 
PCR contents with the TPM vendor's tools.

> For your reference purposes, I see that you are attempting an EFI based
> boot, have you tried to demonstrate a successful measured launch
> environment (MLE) with legacy boot enabled?  We are currently able to
> demonstrate a successful, but minimal, MLE with legacy boot on our
> Broadwell NUC5i5MYBE development platforms.  We are currently avoiding
> EFI due to complexity and firmware vagary issues.

I have not tried this on legacy boot.

> I see that Ning Sun from Intel replied downthread as well and recommended
> that you restrict algorithm agility to SHA256 with the
> extpol=sha256 command-line directive to tboot.  We have been using that
> for months in our minimal boot environment but that doesn't get us past
> where we are currently blocked on more advanced MLE configurations.

Adding extpol=sha256 got me a successful regular (non-MLE) tboot (thank you 
Ning Sun!). My first attempt at an MLE policy failed. It appears BootGuard is 
getting involved and puts me in a reboot loop.

I had to do a reinstall of SLES 12 SP2 to get the extpol fix to work. All I 
added (plus dependencies that were auto-detected) to the base Xen install was 
tboot, tpm2.0-tools, and tpm2-0-tss. Then I added the "extpol=sha256" to my 
/etc/grub.d/20_linux_tboot, ran "grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg", and 
rebooted. I may have had to run "grub2-install /dev/sda" as well.

> Secondly, do you have a Platform Owner Launch Control Policy PO/LCP
> defined?  You can check this by seeing whether or not the NVram index
> location 0x1400001 has been defined.  I'm assuming your hardware/ACM
> environment is not so new that it would be using the newer 0x1c10106 index
> location.

We are using the 0x1c10106 location for PO.

> The tpm2-tools package should have a utility for dumping out NVram index
> locations.  We wrote our own TPM2 tooling from scratch based on Ken
> Goldman's TSS2 reference library, which comes out of IBM's TJ Watson labs
> and which is rock solid from a standards conformance perspective.  I can send
> you a Linux statically linked diagnostic binary if you have problems looking 
> for
> the PO policy indexes.
> Provided, of course, that you have basic userspace control of the TPM2 chip
> in hand.  I'm assuming your hardware is implementing a
> TIS/MSFT0101 ACPI interface?  ACPI/CRB support seems to be a big dodgy
> unless you are using custom rolled Linux kernels.
> Hopefully the above information is helpful in moving your work forward.  We
> would be interested in any feedback you might have on our questions
> above.
> Have a good day.
> Greg
> }-- End of excerpt from <>
> As always,
> Dr. G.W. Wettstein, Ph.D.   Enjellic Systems Development, LLC.
> 4206 N. 19th Ave.           Specializing in information infra-structure
> Fargo, ND  58102            development.
> PH: 701-281-1686
> FAX: 701-281-3949           EMAIL:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "If you get to thinkin' you're a person of some influence, try  orderin'
> somebody else's dog around."
>                                 -- Cowboy Wisdom
> --

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