Re: BatPost

2004-01-12 Thread Mrten
Om 16:23 op maandag 12 januari 2004, Douglas Hinds:

 Running mailman email + windows or under windows did not help.

try 'mailing list software'.

 Obviously, I am not yet familiar with the inner workings of
 operating mailing lists and the time has come for me to learn.

I strongly suggest that for mailinglists of any reasonable size ( 50) you
use something Unixy, and possibly mailman (there are others out there,
like Sympa, ).

Any mailserver i've ever used while running Windows had all sorts of crap
associated with it that makes me shudder now (open relays, poor control
over SMTP, etc).

As far I know does Mailman not run on Windows. But it's written in
python, who knows :)


Denken begint waar weten stopt.

Re: BatPost

2004-01-12 Thread Peter Palmreuther
Hello Douglas,

On Monday, January 12, 2004 at 4:23:52 PM you [DH] wrote (at least in

DH Does this make a difference in relation using BatPost or ADR?

Yes. The most significant one would be: using their MailMan you send
/one/ message to /one/ address (the lists address). The rest is done
in a 100MBit-or-More network.
Using ADR or BatPost you'd send:
- either one message per list member
- or one message with one BCC entry per list member
Both time the send process will definitely take longer than when using
an external MailMan. And it will block your line during this. And
this it will happen for /every/ message a list member posts.
If you have only 20-30 members you'll not need BatPost, and most
probably not even ADR.
If you have a significant number of members, want bounce checking and
not block your line and keep it opened only because one foreign mail
server responds slowly you'll not want to use anything running on your
PC nor on your side of the line.

Do yourself a favour: Use their MailMan.
Administration is relative easy and initial subscription can be done
via SSH (so not everybody needs to subscribe manually if you already
have a list of addresses).
Peter Palmreuther
(The Bat! v2.03 Beta/31 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1)

A little inaccuracy sometimes saves tons of explanation.