Re: zonealarm and automatic mail checks - works for anyone?

2003-09-10 Thread Anne
Wednesday, September 10, 2003, 5:40:47 AM, Vishal wrote:

V Ok, great. I just automatic mail checking with NO firewall installed and it
V still doesn't work. I'm using the eval version of It looks like ZA
V wasn't to blame after all. What could be wrong?


Someone has just posted on TBBETA that he has the same problem as
you do and he is also using Win 2000. It's sounding like a Win
2000 issue to me.

I can't figure out how to post the link to the message id for
that post but it was dated Wed, 10 Sep 2003 13:48:08 -0400 and
was from Melvyn Kouri, subject Periodical checking stopped
checking !?!.


Flying high with The Bat! v2.00.6 on Windows 98 4.10 Build  

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Re: Odd mini Bat2 Bug with window minimisation

2003-09-10 Thread Anne
Wednesday, September 10, 2003, 9:45:25 AM, znark wrote:

z Winkey+SHIFT+M should restore all windows that were minimized

Great thanks znark that did the trick.. knew I must have missed a
key combo somewhere!  ;-)


Flying high with The Bat! v2.00.6 on Windows 98 4.10 Build  

Visit The Bat! Users' Unofficial Help Forum

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Re: expanding the height of the message header field?

2003-09-10 Thread Anne
Wednesday, September 10, 2003, 10:41:10 PM, Julian wrote:

JBL Go to Options|Preferences|Message Headers (in the tree view)
JBL Select  the header that is in the scrollable bit, and click
JBL on Edit. At the bottom of the dialogue, de-select Display in
JBL Scrollable Part of Message Pane.

My Edit and Delete buttons in there are both greyed out... is
there some way of making them active that I'm overlooking?


Flying high with The Bat! v2.00.6 on Windows 98 4.10 Build  

Visit The Bat! Users' Unofficial Help Forum

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Re: v2 compatible with older version?

2003-09-10 Thread Anne
Wednesday, September 10, 2003, 6:59:05 PM, Wilfried wrote:

WM Is v2 compatible with older version v1.62 ?
WM I think I saw messages about changes, so I'm not sure.


If you have only POP accounts (no IMAP) then you can simply
reinstall v1.x over the top of v2 and the folders will still
work. I just did this on my test PC to see what happened. I had
no problems, no lost folders, no lost messages or anything like

V1.x did become an unregistered version once more though, as the
registry still had the key for v2.0 so you'll need to make sure
you have your original v1.x reg details handy.

Reminder:  Before trying this make a copy of your Mail folder as
a backup _just in case!_


Flying high with The Bat! v2.00.6 on Windows 98 4.10 Build  

Visit The Bat! Users' Unofficial Help Forum

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Re: zonealarm and automatic mail checks - works for anyone?

2003-09-10 Thread Anne
Thursday, September 11, 2003, 1:34:32 AM, Allie wrote:

AM I'm wondering if it's ZA at all. :/

Allie and Vishal,

Over on TBBETA Marek has just advised Melvyn who has this same
problem to try using the Scheduler to do the auto downloading and
Melvyn tried it and he says it worked. Perhaps if Vishal tries
this also and then lets Marek know - he's doing some kind of
feedback for devs about this.


Flying high with The Bat! v2.00.6 on Windows 98 4.10 Build  

Visit The Bat! Users' Unofficial Help Forum

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Calling all moderators!

2003-09-10 Thread Allister Jenks

Surely the 'HTML as default on v2.00' thread has gone way off
topic in so many directions?

You are normally quick to pronounce threads OT when they are even
mildly so.  Why not this one?

Now, I'm as guilty as any other but it looks to me as if you're having
too much fun in there to kill it?  (Just my view, you understand.)

Am I wrong?



Using The Bat! v2.00.6
on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

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Re: Format Date Created in Preview Pane

2003-09-10 Thread Thomas Fernandez
Hello MAU,

On Wed, 10 Sep 2003 21:13:26 +0200 GMT (11/09/2003, 02:13 +0700 GMT),
MAU wrote:

 That date used to be shown in both time zones, the sender's and yours.
 Not any more in v2. I have critisised this already.

 Which one is maintained? I sort my review pane by Created.

It doesn't matter which one is internally maintained, as there really
is only one time regardless of the timezone in which it is displayed.
TB uses the Date: header, if that answers your question. ;-)

The question was only about the display. Now, the time is only
displayed in the sender's local time in the header field, but in your
local time time in the message list. The header field used to display
the time in both time zones, and I miss that. It has always been
displayed in my local time in the message list, and I like that.



Moderator der deutschen The Bat! Beginner Liste.

A duck walks into a drugstore and ask the clerk for Chapstick. The
clerk puts the Chapstick on the counter and says, That will be $2.
The duck replies, Just put it on my bill.

(true story)

Message reply created with The Bat! 2.00.6
under Chinese Windows 98 4.10 Build  A 
using a Pentium P4 1.7 GHz, 128MB RAM

Current version is 2.00 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: v2 compatible with older version?

2003-09-10 Thread Thomas Fernandez
Hello Wilfried,

On Wed, 10 Sep 2003 20:59:28 +0200 GMT (11/09/2003, 01:59 +0700 GMT),
Wilfried Mestdagh wrote:

   I can make copy of course of folders. What about registry ? Can there be
   messed up something ?

I don't know, but a backup should be in order.

Back up the whole key HKCU / Software / Rit. That is part of my TB
backup routine before I install any new version.



Moderator der deutschen The Bat! Beginner Liste.

When you come to a fork in the road, take it! (Yogi Berra)

Message reply created with The Bat! 2.00.6
under Chinese Windows 98 4.10 Build  A 
using a Pentium P4 1.7 GHz, 128MB RAM

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Re: Calling all moderators!

2003-09-10 Thread Marck D Pearlstone
Hi Allister,

@11-Sep-2003, 13:58 +1200 (02:58 UK time) Allister Jenks [AJ] in

AJ Surely the 'HTML as default on v2.00' thread has gone way
AJ off topic in so many directions?

... snip

AJ Am I wrong?

It's run its course. I shall kill it very shortly if it continues.
It did begin on-topic, as a query about TB's defaults.

Cheers -- .\\arck D Pearlstone -- List moderator
TB! v2.00.6 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 1

Description: PGP signature

Current version is 2.00 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: page fault error

2003-09-10 Thread Thomas Fernandez
Hello Rich,

On Wed, 10 Sep 2003 15:16:40 -0400 GMT (11/09/2003, 02:16 +0700 GMT),
Rich Gregory wrote:

 I am trying to evaluate The Bat! for use as our new email client. I have A
 LOT of questions and was slowly finding answers on my own BUT now this
 morning I find I can no longer start the program. I see the several screens
 asking if I want TB! to be associated with several file types then, instead
 of the last one asking if I want TB to be my default email program, comes
 the error message:

 error mssg

 The program has performed an illegal operation and will be shut down.
 THEBAT caused an invalid page fault in module THEBAT.EXE at 017f:004072e5.

If a reboot of your Windows 98 doesn't help and this message comes up
each time you try to start TB, I would do a TB reinstall. No need to
uninstall first, just install it again over the existing



Moderator der deutschen The Bat! Beginner Liste.

Chrysler: The Mercedes-Benz of American Cars

Message reply created with The Bat! 2.00.6
under Chinese Windows 98 4.10 Build  A 
using a Pentium P4 1.7 GHz, 128MB RAM

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Re: Specials - Mailing List

2003-09-10 Thread Thomas Fernandez
Hello Pixie,

On Wed, 10 Sep 2003 17:12:53 -0400 GMT (11/09/2003, 04:12 +0700 GMT),
Pixie wrote:

 Is this item specifically related to hosting a list or is it
 supposed to be worth something as a list user?

Check out RFC 2919:

It is worth quite something to the user. If I want to unsub, I don't
have to follow links in the footer or remember the unbub address, I
just go to Mailinglist / Unsub in TB. If I want to resub after my
vacation, I highlight any mesage in the ML and go to Mailing lists /
subscribe. And so on.



Moderator der deutschen The Bat! Beginner Liste.

My husband and I divorced over religious differences. He thought he
was God and I didn't.

Message reply created with The Bat! 2.00.6
under Chinese Windows 98 4.10 Build  A 
using a Pentium P4 1.7 GHz, 128MB RAM

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Re: Specials - Mailing List

2003-09-10 Thread Thomas Fernandez
Hello Pixie,

On Wed, 10 Sep 2003 23:09:41 -0400 GMT (11/09/2003, 10:09 +0700 GMT),
Pixie wrote:

 Since these commands in TB! don't appear to use AB templates I'd end
 up always sending the emails using the wrong account..

That's funny, because you need to hgihlight a message for the menu
item Mailing list to work. A takes the info from the headers. This
message will be in the account that you subscribed with... ;-)



Moderator der deutschen The Bat! Beginner Liste.

From page 468 of Using Turbo C++ by Herbert Schildt: REMEMBER: The
private parts of an object are accessible only by functions that are
members of that object. (Well, there goes free love...)

Message reply created with The Bat! 2.00.6
under Chinese Windows 98 4.10 Build  A 
using a Pentium P4 1.7 GHz, 128MB RAM

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Re[2]: IMAP converted to POP on install.

2003-09-10 Thread Olena
Hello Marck,
 Thank you so much for you detailed reply.
 One more thing: which metod should I use?
   a) convert any IMAP accounts to POP3 b4 install, or:
   b) delete accounts with IMAP access, and redo them again?
Wednesday, September 10, 2003, 7:19:34 AM, you wrote:

MDP Hi Olena,

MDP @9-Sep-2003, 22:00 -0600 (05:00 UK time) Olena [O] in

O I read somewhere, that in new ver install IMAP folders will be
O converted to POP.

MDP Not quite. Before installing v2, *you* should convert any IMAP
MDP accounts to POP3.

O IS there then a way to convert them back?

MDP No. The new IMAP handling is completely incompatible.

O Or I'll have to delete accounts with IMAP access, and redo them
O again?

MDP Yes.

Best regards,
 Olenamailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Current version is 2.00 | Using TBUDL information:

Mod: Top posting (was: IMAP converted to POP on install.)

2003-09-10 Thread Marck D Pearlstone
Hi Olena,

@10-Sep-2003, 21:34 -0600 (04:34 UK time) Olena [O] in
mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] said to Marck:

MDP Not quite. Before installing v2, *you* should convert any IMAP
MDP accounts to POP3.

O  One more thing: which metod should I use?
Oa) convert any IMAP accounts to POP3 b4 install, or:

Yes - to preserve the messages. Unless you don't them anymore,
in which case...

Ob) delete accounts with IMAP access, and redo them again?

... is fine.

Note: This moderator's interjection is a note to all readers and not
just to the person being replied to, even if their post may have
instigated this reply. Please don't feel singled out Olena.

This posting violated the list rules regarding top posting.

Top posting, i.e., typing all your reply text at the top of your
message and following it with all quoted text below, is not
encouraged and we actually request that you not do so on this list

a) It makes it difficult to glean context from what you typed at the
   top of the message


b) It encourages excessive quoting.

We would much prefer if you quote just that much of the message to
which you're replying, so we know what it is you're referring to,
and then below the quotation, type your response. If you're
responding to more than one part of the original, then quote each
part separately and follow each part with your response.

Now, I know that you may not personally prefer this format and that
you may disagree with some of the reasoning here. We very much
respect this. However, this is the format that most of the active
members here prefer and all members are expected, and are being
asked to use the format that will make most of the active membership
here comfortable reading. You'll likely get a more responsive group
when you post using a style that is comfortable for them to read and

Thank you.

Cheers -- .\\arck D Pearlstone -- List moderator
TB! v2.00.6 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 1

Description: PGP signature

Current version is 2.00 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: zonealarm and automatic mail checks - works for anyone?

2003-09-10 Thread Vishal
Hi Anne

Wednesday, September 10, 2003, 9:35:01 PM, you wrote:

A Allie and Vishal,

A Over on TBBETA Marek has just advised Melvyn who has this same
A problem to try using the Scheduler to do the auto downloading and
A Melvyn tried it and he says it worked. Perhaps if Vishal tries
A this also and then lets Marek know - he's doing some kind of
A feedback for devs about this.

Thanks a lot Anne! I'll try it out and let you know.



Current version is 2.00 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: Mod: Top posting (was: IMAP converted to POP on install.)

2003-09-10 Thread Olena
Wednesday, September 10, 2003, 9:41:03 PM, you wrote:

MDP Hi Olena,

MDP This posting violated the list rules regarding top posting.

MDP Top posting, i.e., typing all your reply text at the top of your
MDP message and following it with all quoted text below, is not
MDP encouraged and we actually request that you not do so on this list

MDP Thank you.
MDP /moderator

Opps, sorry! :

Current version is 2.00 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: Access violation in Account - Properties

2003-09-10 Thread Alexander
11-Sep-2003 00:01, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hmmm. An access violation in Ntdll.dll sounds pretty serious. I don't
 remember NT 4.0 very well, but maybe it's worth trying to restore this
 file from the CAB files?

...and don't forget to install ServicePack6a again. :)

Best regards,
 Alexander (

Current version is 2.00 | Using TBUDL information:


2003-09-10 Thread Razgo
for some reason when using re-filter for my inbox it will not filter
all the messages that need filtering. it will filter all but only
process 13 or 19 and i have to keep re filtering it. currently using 2.00.6 but it has 
occurring with all versions i use.

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