Re: restoring sorting office filters for one account

2017-11-15 Thread Avram Sacks
This follows my prior post in which I asked how to restore lost filters.

After searching the forums at the Ritlabs website, I discovered that I could 
restore the filters by highlighting the account for which I wished to restore 
filers, clicking on "account" and then "sorting office/filters."  In the window 
that opened, I then could click on "file" and "restore filters."  That, in 
turn, opened up a dialogue box asking if I wanted to restore, I clicked yes and 
another folder with "orphan filters" opened up.   However, I then had to 
manually copy, one by one, each of  the dozen filters that I had into the 
inbox.   If I tried to delete or cut the filter in the orphan filters 
directory, an error exception window would pop up and everything would freeze 
in the filters window.   I then had to close that window and reopen the sorting 
filters/office window and do another restore.

This raises several questions:

1.  Why did this happen in the first place?   It occurred, I am guessing, 
following my computer's forced shut down for a windows update.   But why?
What can be done to avoid this?

2.  I didn't know that there were additional forums in addition to the two list 
serv e-mail groups for The Bat:  this one and the beta forum .   Does the 
online forum also have an e-mail list?   

3.  The messages in the online forums do not seem to be organized by date.   
Why not?

Thanks for any insight you can provide.


Avram Sacks, using The Bat! Pro ver. 7.1.18 on Win 7 Pro

Current version is 7.1 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

restoring sorting office filters for one account

2017-11-15 Thread Avram Sacks
Hi, Everyone, 

I have 20 mail accounts and most of them have filters.   The filters for one of 
these accounts, which has one of the largest set of filters - 20 of them - have 
all disappeared.   This happened overnight, when my laptop was taken over by an 
unannounced Windows updates (grrr).  (As a separate issue,  I had a 
dozen e-mail messages - at least - all open, and I now have to try and remember 
all that I was working on at the time.  It would be nice if The Bat would 
automatically restore all open messages when there is an unexpected shutdown, 
in much the same way that Word or Excel will restore any open file.)

I don't need to restore anything else other than the filters for this one 
account, and, I have downloaded and sent a number of messages from multiple 
accounts since the filters went missing.   So, is it possible to restore the 
missing filters for this one account without having to recreate all of them or 
restoring my entire database?



Avram Sacks, using The Bat! Pro ver. 7.1.18 on Win 7 Pro

Current version is 7.1 | 'Using TBUDL' information: