Re[2]: Sliding screen

2002-07-16 Thread Daniel van Rooijen [CopyCats]

Hi Allie,

ACM I guess you must realize the priority such a problem would receive in
ACM the fix list. ;)

Actually it IS a real problem. I use the fixed width viewer because it
is faster and looks more coherent than the slightly more frivolous
rich text viewer.

The sideways scrolling happens very frequently. Just position
your mouse a few milimeters to the side of the vertical scroll bar.
Click and move about a little, and voila. The reason why this is so
inconvenient is that I frequently miss the vertical scroll bar by just
a few milimeters when I want to drag it down. Instead of moving down,
the screen then moves sideways. It's a bug and it needs fixing! :)

(Do the developers read this list - that is, if someone reports a bug
here, will someone put it on the ToDo list?)

If they do, I have two further suggestions:

 1. In the F7 Find command: A clear progress indicator is needed.
 2. In the main screen: A button that presents a list of available Quick
Templates, and executes the one that you pick. With that, I could
immediately send a message to Mum or send a pricelist to customer.

Best regards,


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Bug Reports:

Re[3]: Sliding screen

2002-07-16 Thread Daniel van Rooijen [CopyCats]

(talking to myself..)

Ehm, I just noticed that Internet Explorer does the same thing when
you just miss the vertical scroll bar and drag the mouse sideways.

Maybe this is some Windows fluke after all.. or worse, it might be
intended behaviour! :)

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Bug Reports:

Re[2]: Mail downloading problems

2002-06-26 Thread Daniel van Rooijen [CopyCats]

Hi Joyce,

JS What do you guys say?

Two basic steps to take would be:

Run MSConfig.exe (rightmost tab), to temporarily stop NAV from
launching at startup. Reboot. Run TB and see if it works better when
NAV isn't interfering. Re-engage NAV through MSConfig.exe, reboot, and
if necessary see if NAV can be reconfigured to work better with TB.

Run scandisk to find and fix any errors in the drive that holds the
temp files.



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Bug Reports:

Re[2]: Mail downloading problems

2002-06-26 Thread Daniel van Rooijen [CopyCats]

Hi Tim,

TM What is this tool? Where do you find it? I did a search on my system
TM and didn't come up with it...

I think it comes with Win98. If you have Windows Commander (which
searches through CAB files), maybe you can search your Win CD to see
if it's on there.



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Bug Reports:

Re[2]: Please release BatNews!

2002-06-25 Thread Daniel van Rooijen [CopyCats]

BK I would REALLY like to see TB support Newsgroups and the like.

TF [..]
TF If you want to start a newsgroup, nobody is going to forbid it, I
TF would think.

He's not asking for a newsgroup about TB. He would like TB to handle
newsgroups. Oh the flexibility of the english language.. :)



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Bug Reports:

Re[2]: Please release BatNews!

2002-06-25 Thread Daniel van Rooijen [CopyCats]

B News readers and mail readers have 90% of the same features built-into
B them.

Exactly. There'll be very little bloat within the program, and it will
greatly help un-bloat one's system if news is integrated into the Bat. I
for one won't need 5 different instances of Agent anymore.

Moreover, the conceptual differences between e-mail and news are
small, too. Look at this very TBUDL mailing list, or the plethora of
Yahoo groups - technically they're e-mail, but they work just like
newsgroups. I'd love to have them all -mailing lists, newsgroups- in a
single package.

Anyway, the Ritlabs people say that TB2 will support newsgroups, so
this whole pro/con debate is really quite useless.



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Bug Reports:

Re[2]: Mail downloading problems

2002-06-25 Thread Daniel van Rooijen [CopyCats]

Hi Marck,

MDP They released an update on a Friday night with a bad ID in the
MDP database and switched the phones off for the weekend. My disgust
MDP knows no bounds.

Hear, hear! That type of behavior seems typical of the major
publishers. I can't for the life of me imagine why otherwise sensible
IT people continue to think so highly of products like Outlook and NAV
when they cause so many problems that could so easily be avoided.
There would have been an uprising in any other industry if the major
suppliers treated its customers with such contempt. If it wasn't for
MS' criminal neglect, I wouldn't have to cleansweep my inbox from
Outlook-propagated worms everyday and that's just one of many gripes.

To get back on topic, what do we know of The Bat's security? Assuming
a new installation with default settings, is there any way at all that
an incoming message could have its attachment executed, or trigger a
macro? Could The Bat's functionality be abused by a third party
program to spread worms (that is: is the Outbox etc protected from
outside meddling)? I'm not worrying, but if there's any vulnerability,
it would be good to be aware of it.



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Bug Reports:

Re: OT: Newsgroups

2002-06-24 Thread Daniel van Rooijen [CopyCats]

 KG So what are your views on newsgroups? Curse, blessing or both?

Well, that depends on the contents :-)

For instance, Cerious Software (of the ThumbsPlus image management
software) uses newsgroups on their own news server to communicate with
their users, and for users to talk to eachother. They have a web based
interface too, which I don't use because a dedicated newsreader like
Agent (or, hopefully, TB2) is much faster andmore convenient. There
are a few more groups that I (try to) follow and that I'd love to
integrate into TB.



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Bug Reports:

Re[2]: Could you help me to understand !

2002-06-23 Thread Daniel van Rooijen [CopyCats]

Hi Claude,

CR The only thing I know, is that he wrote me from a compuserve
CR address probably with the compuserve software, do you think it
CR could be the reason whyhe was not able to read my message ?

Yes. If he has an old Compuserve Classic account, Compuserve will
translate incoming internet e-mail into its own internal message
format, and it doesn't handle things like attachments and encryption
very well. Just send him a plain message without any unnecessary
thrills like PGP, and it should work fine.

I also have an old account like that, but I use POP3 to retrieve the
mail from Compuserve's servers. That bypasses the translation process.
Your correspondent may want to do the same.

Best regards,


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Bug Reports:

Re[2]: is there a * selective mail download ** option in The Bat?

2002-06-22 Thread Daniel van Rooijen [CopyCats]

v I do not want to dispatch mail on server but only want to Preview it [..]

Just do as Marck said, or read the relevant section of the Helpfile.
The Dispatch function does what you want.

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Bug Reports:

Re[2]: SPAM filter with The Bat (Mailwasher program)

2002-06-20 Thread Daniel van Rooijen [CopyCats]

Hi Marck,

Your SpamCop filters work great now. I've reported 32 spammers so far
in just two days (should I be glad or sad? :)

I haven't had any responses from ISP's yet. From what I understand,
SpamCop will forward those to me. I was thinking that maybe I should
use the comment field in the reports to inform the spammer that it was
me who turned them in, and that they'd better take me off their
mailing lists or I'll do it again. What do you think? They might
bombard me with hate mail instead :)

In closing: Whenever spamcop.bat is run, it leaves a DOS window on my
screen that has to be closed manually. I just solved this minor
annoyance by putting @echo off as the first line in the template for



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Bug Reports:

Re[2]: SPAM filter with The Bat (Mailwasher program)

2002-06-18 Thread Daniel van Rooijen [CopyCats]

Hi Marck,

  All such bounce messages do, no matter how well intentioned or formed,
  is inform the spammer that the message got through.

Oh boy..

Thanks for the enlightenment!! :)

I'm now trying those Spamcop filters from the TB FAQ, but I'm not sure if
they work as intended. Here's what I found:

- Shouldn't the first stage filter (that creates a spam submission
message) be set to manual only? Wouldn't it otherwise automatically
respond to any incoming message that fulfills the criterion of having
a '.' in its kludges? Of course the Ctrl-Alt-S trigger is also set,
but I don't know if that will override automatic execution..

- The file to export to (C:\TEMP\EXPORT.TXT) was set correctly when I
pasted the filter into the sorting office, but the Export to File
action itself was not activated. Also, append to existing file was
set, which I think will inadvertently report any previously sent spam
along with the current spam message. I've changed that into
overwrite. The export format was Text, is that alright? The quote
kludges was Off, and I've turned that on.

I hope I made the correct changes (and if so, maybe the author of the
filter should update this FAQ section?). I'm using TB 1.60q.

Best regards,


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Bug Reports:

Re[2]: SPAM filter with The Bat (Mailwasher program)

2002-06-18 Thread Daniel van Rooijen [CopyCats]

Hi Marck,

MDP I always report to SpamCop (there are some nice filters for doing
MDP this published on the FAQ)

The second stage filter doesn't work right for me either.. it finds
the incoming confirmation from Spamcop, then exports the whole message to
spamcop.bat and tries to execute it! :)  The error seems to be in
the export template, which looks like:

From:#OFromName #OFromAddr
To:  #OToName #OToAddr
Date:#ODateEn, #OTimeLongEn
Subject: #OSubj
Files:   #Attachments

(I have replaced the % signs by # to prevent execution within this message)

I suspect there's some incompatibility between these SpamCop filters
(from and TB 1.60q.

Do you have a working version of the export template for spamcop.bat?



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Bug Reports:

Re[2]: SPAM filter with The Bat (Mailwasher program)

2002-06-18 Thread Daniel van Rooijen [CopyCats]

Hi Marck,

MDP Perhaps there's a bug in the filter paste function?

Or I have missed something, so don't redo the filters just yet..

I couldn't find a Paste button or anything like it in the Sorting
Office, so I simply pressed Ctrl-V.

Have I been stupid again?  O :-)

Best regards,


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Bug Reports:

Re[2]: SPAM filter with The Bat (Mailwasher program)

2002-06-18 Thread Daniel van Rooijen [CopyCats]

Hi Matthias,

MA Ehm. Someone else already mentioned (maybe on the german mailing
MA lists) that this problems are caused by some unwanted linebreaks on
MA the faq page.

Oops - that makes sense. I don't know why I didn't notice! I'll try
again without the linebreaks and see how I fare..

Your name sounds German, so you may be a frequent user of Umlauts. Can
I ask you a question? When I try to enter a high-ascii character using
Alt-nnn, the Bat doesn't enter the character but instead performs all
sorts of system functions (menu's pop up, etc). Do you know of a way
to turn this off?

Mit freundlichem Gruss aus Holland,


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Bug Reports:

Re[2]: SPAM filter with The Bat (Mailwasher program)

2002-06-18 Thread Daniel van Rooijen [CopyCats]

Hi Marck,

MDP Nope. You done good! The How to says to use Ctrl-V. Actually, I just
MDP tried it and it's completely hit and miss!

Matthias' hint about the broken lines on the website was right on
target - I've got the filters working now.

However, I had to make a small change to the second stage export
template for the spamcop.bat file. I turned the part where you check
for http://\S*; into\S*;.

The reason is that Spamcop's confirmations to me contain several
instances of http://;, and the first one (that the template catches)
leads to a page with an offer to upgrade my Spamcop account to a paid
one.. Here's what it said:

   SpamCop is free.  However, if you like the service please pay for it:

   SpamCop is now ready to process your spam.

   Use links to finish spam reporting:

So, the export filter didn't catch the right URL and sent me to the
upgrade offer instead (which I may well take later on).

Thanks for your help!!


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Bug Reports:

Re[2]: SPAM filter with The Bat (Mailwasher program)

2002-06-18 Thread Daniel van Rooijen [CopyCats]

Hi Peter,

PP Is there a small chance you have turned 'NumLock' off and don't keep
PP 'Alt' pressed while trying to enter the character codes?.

I am keeping Alt pressed down, but you're right about Numlock - it is
off (as it should be!! :-)

When I turn Numlock on, Alt-nnn and Alt- works fine..



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Bug Reports:

Re[2]: My 2 cents

2002-06-18 Thread Daniel van Rooijen [CopyCats]

Hi David,

DvZ When I hear people complaining about spontaneous reboots the first
DvZ thing I think of is a hardware problem like for instance overheating
DvZ of the CPU or wrong DMA settings.

Or the use of Internet Explorer, which sometimes (once a week or so)
manages to trigger a reboot on my otherwise stable system.

Strangely, my computer also reboots when I pound the desk on which it
stands. A few days ago, something didn't work as expected, so in my
usual Dutch manner, I said D*mn and hit the table. The PC
rebooted in response, as if it wanted to say alright, I give up :)



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Bug Reports:

Re[2]: Flying tray icon

2002-06-15 Thread Daniel van Rooijen [CopyCats]

Hi Peter,

PP For exactly the situation you described I _do_ use 'Mail ticker' :-)

It's a good solution if you can stand the mailticker, which
unfortunately I can't :-)

So here's what I've done: For the mail that doesn't require my
immediate attention (like this list), I've told the sorting office to
flag all incoming messages as 'read'. I don't use threading, so
whereever the cursor is when I look in the folder, is the last message
that I'd already seen. It's not ideal, but it keeps the Bat-icon from
grabbing my attention al the time.



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Bug Reports:

Flying tray icon

2002-06-13 Thread Daniel van Rooijen [CopyCats]

When there's new mail, the bat on the system tray icon starts to fly.
Being a highly curious person, I just HAVE to open the program at that
point to see what has come in. I have setup TB to check mail every
three minutes, and having subscribed to several mailing lists, I'm
getting new mail all the time.

As a result, I find myself opening The Bat all the time and I'm not
getting any work done!! :)

I'd like to have a folder-based option (or a dedicated filter) that
rules whether or not incoming messages in that folder trigger the
swooping bat. Or that only triggers the bat when eg. incoming mail was
addressed to one of my personal accounts.

I'm not currently using the Mail Ticker because I find that even more
distracting, and it tends to get in the way, whereever I put it. If I
could set a similar trigger for it, and it would integrate into the
task bar, I'd find it much more useful (the windows taskbar usually
occupies just one row, but you can drag its top side upwards to make
it twice as large - plenty of room there for a mail ticker that
doesn't get in the way).



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Bug Reports:

Virus filtering

2002-06-12 Thread Daniel van Rooijen [CopyCats]

Hi Mitja,

  BTW: I solved most if not all of the virus problem by filtering mail
  and looking for:
  *Content-type: audio/x-wav; name=*.exe*
  *Content-type: audio/x-midi; name=*.exe*
That's interesting! I entered these strings but it didn't work. I went
to the Sorting Office/Filters and I defined a new filter. I entered
the first string (the one for vbs files) under Filter Strings and the
other 5 strings as separate rule sets under the Alternatives tab. For
Location I picked anywhere (I also tried Kludges). Under options,
I enabled regular expressions. But it didn't work. Any ideas??



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Bug Reports:

Re[2]: Virus filtering

2002-06-12 Thread Daniel van Rooijen [CopyCats]

ACM However, TB! will search only the headers and text body for
ACM matching strings.

Yes, but Allie, those infected attachments are referenced in the header by the
strings that Mitja defined. It's for those references that Mitja was
setting up a filter.

Looking at the source of some infected messages that just came in, I
find strings like: name=Rescue.bat and name=Wyugm.pif.



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Bug Reports:

Re[2]: Virus filtering

2002-06-12 Thread Daniel van Rooijen [CopyCats]

Hi Allie,

ACM on examination of the source, if I look *after* the message body
ACM where TB! doesn't search,

Now I see! I'm still used to a different representation of internet
headers (from using Compuserve for years, where they are translated and put
below the message body, along with any kludges and attachment headers).

I thought I'd found an easy way to sort viruses to the trashcan.. oh
well :)

I've decided not to do any POP scanning. I prefer to have as few tasks
running in the background as possible. I couldn't get NOD32 to work
with the beta NOD32.BAV plugin (and it didn't impress me as a fully
developed program), so I think I'll stick with good old Kaspersky and
switch to their AV toolkit v4 which is said to have a TB plug-in. Is
anyone on the list using KAV and their plugin to good (or bad) effect?



--no strings attached :)

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Bug Reports:

Re: euro sign

2002-06-11 Thread Daniel van Rooijen [CopyCats]

Hoi Ochrid,

O may not always see the euro sign (ยค) as it is meant.

Well, it shows fine here.

And you can always send me Euros :-)



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Bug Reports:

Re[3]: euro sign

2002-06-11 Thread Daniel van Rooijen [CopyCats]

Hi Mitja,

MP I do not see it...

I think the Euro is only displayed in EC countries :-)

Seriously, Peter Palmreuther's message to Ochrid probably explains it.



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Bug Reports:

Re[2]: New HTML engine?

2002-06-11 Thread Daniel van Rooijen [CopyCats]

Hi Jonathan,

JA Then how would you explain viruses spreading via the .jpg and .gif
JA formats?  They have 'code' in the headers that the viewer (in most
JA cases IE) reads and 'executes'... which causes infection.

I've never heard of that and I don't think it's true; these formats
have no executable code inside, and browsers make no attempt to
execute them. However, what does exist is filenames with a double
extension, such as naked.gif.exe or bigones.jpg.scr. Those
filenames display as naked.gif and bigones.jpg in most programs, but
are in fact executable, and some viruses make use of this.



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Bug Reports:

Re[2]: New HTML engine?

2002-06-11 Thread Daniel van Rooijen [CopyCats]

Hi Peter,

PP If you insist in the images you're free of open the HTML-page in
PP your browser (which is BTW designed to display HTML pages)

I sympathize with your plight of text-only e-mail, and I'd like to add
that the true netpurist will only use a plain, fixed-width font.

However, the Net has long been handed over to the savages, and HTML
has become sort of an e-mail standard. So, if an HTML attachment is
delivered with local images and all, I think TB should show them.
Animated GIFs, too! :-) Remote images and other embedded objects should
be optional - when they're turned off, perhaps TB could display some
frivolous local pictures in their place.

Between your participation in this list, and (I'm sure) watching the
Mannschaft, I have to wonder if you're still getting any Arbeit done!

Mit freundlichem Gruss,


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Bug Reports:

Re[2]: New HTML engine?

2002-06-11 Thread Daniel van Rooijen [CopyCats]

Hi Marck,

MDP erm... which it already does. I received such a mail only 30 minutes
MDP ago. It was rendered perfectly.

Oops! Now I see that I'd simply never had a HTML-message with the
images attached. They all had links to remote images. Hence all the
little red crosses! :) I've just sent myself a HTML message and it
works fine indeed, thanks..

  when they're turned off, perhaps TB could display some frivolous
  local pictures in their place.

  ... which it already does.

Well, I said frivolous! ;-) Seriously, instead of those little red
crosses, I'd much rather see some random pictures -eg. fractals- of
the right size (if this size was specified in the html), so that the
formatting is more similar to what was intended by the sender.



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Bug Reports:

Re[4]: New HTML engine?

2002-06-11 Thread Daniel van Rooijen [CopyCats]

Hi Joseph,

Another oops: I just received a html message in which the boxes
(that replace the absent pictures) were properly sized in The Bat. So
it already does that too. (There's really very little that it doesn't
do.. earlier on, I sent a bunch of suggestions to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and
one of the developers kindly replied by explaining how everything that
I was asking for is already there. And he didn't use the word RTFM
once! :)

JN Before we clamor for change on this point, therefore, we should be
JN sure we have a good sense of the market.

Some authors/publishers have an online poll at their site where users
can vote on what features they'd like to see implemented first, or
how. Maybe the good folks at Ritlabs could do so too. But then again,
I read about the projected improvements in v2, and those were so
impressive that I fear that our fractals wouldn't get much priority :)



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Bug Reports:

Using NOD32 and Kaspersky AV with The Bat

2002-06-10 Thread Daniel van Rooijen [CopyCats]

Hi List,

I've just purchased The Bat after a short and very convincing
evaluation. I've been e-mailing since 1986 using Forte Agent, TapCis
and several other programs. TB! is the best I've seen so far, and the
planned future enhancements would make it almost perfect.

For antivirus software I've always used AVP (now called Kaspersky AV).
My AVP license is almost two years old and about to expire, though. A
friend told me to look into NOD32 which is also supposed to be very
good (I won't touch McAfee's or Nortons with a 10' pole). I'm curious
about the experiences of fellow TB! users with Kaspersky's and NOD32 -
any preferences? I'd like to scan incoming attachments and I'd like to
give POP3 scanning a try too, even if that might be redundant.



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Bug Reports:

Re: Additional e-mail folders online.

2002-06-10 Thread Daniel van Rooijen [CopyCats]

Hi Chris,

WC When I'm at work I can send e-mails using my home address by signing onto my
WC account (like hotmail). Because of this, I've set up additional folders
WC online to store various mails.

Can't you just create a second account in The Bat at work for POP3
retrieval of your private mail, and specify your company's smtp-server
for outgoing mail from that home address? That's basically what I do
and it works great (admittedly to my surprise). You can tell The Bat
at work to retrieve the messages from your home account without
deleting them from the ISP's server, so when you get home you can
still retrieve those same messages there, too. And while at work, you
wouldn't have to logon to the web to write mail from your home

When I got my DSL line from a local provider, I knew that I could
still get the mail from my account at Compuserve by using POP3. What I
wasn't aware of, was that I could also *send* mail from my Compuserve
address (as I'm doing right now) simply using the SMTP server of my
local DSL provider. I was very relieved to learn of that possibility -
without it, I'd have to dial into Compuserve, or logon to its webmail
pages, to send mail from that address.

I hope this helps.. Regards,


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Bug Reports:

Re[2]: Using NOD32 and Kaspersky AV with The Bat

2002-06-10 Thread Daniel van Rooijen [CopyCats]

Thanks, Allie! Does NOD32 offer a DOS command line interface as well?
Also, how did you configure the NOD32 pop3 scanner? There are three
fields to fill in, but this part of the program doesn't appear to be
documented anywhere. It asks for:

 Listen on: [...]
 Parent Server: [..]   [110]

The parent server, I'm sure, is my provider's POP3 server. But I can't
figure out what to do with Listen on.

Also, the eval version of NOD32 doesn't seem to have a .BAV plugin
for The Bat. Can it be downloaded anywhere else that you know of?



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Bug Reports:

Re[2]: Using NOD32 and Kaspersky AV with The Bat

2002-06-10 Thread Daniel van Rooijen [CopyCats]

Thanks Joseph, Jernej and Allie! I've got the nod32 pop-scanner
working now. I sent myself a bunch of malicious critters and NOD32
caught them all, but unfortunately all it did was report them. I'd
rather move those messages to a dedicated quarantine folder, so my
next step will be configuring The Bat itself for processing and
scanning incoming attachments. My e-mail address is in thousands of
address books and I get at least 40 infected messages a day. So, I
really need some automation here.

In the meantime, I found a bunch of BAV files (NOD32, Panda, Sophos,
etc.) at this location:



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Bug Reports:

Re[2]: Using NOD32 and Kaspersky AV with The Bat

2002-06-10 Thread Daniel van Rooijen [CopyCats]

Hi Allie,

 ACM The Ritlabs plugin will do this for you. It will create a quarantine
 ACM folder for the infected message right within the accounts folder tree.

It's weird but it doesn't work for me yet. I'm using:

 TB! v1.60q (licensed)
 NOD32.BAV (TB says test version 0.1) (just downloaded from ftp server)
 NOD32 v1.265 (trial edition)

No quarantine folder was created, and when I scan the trash folder, TB
tells me that it scanned all 65 messages and found 0 infections, even
though all 65 are infected (fear not, I know what I'm doing g).

I noticed that when I go to TB!s virus protection dialog and select
the NOD32 plugin, I can't use the configure button. So, whatever is
behind that button was inaccessible to me. It's not documented in the
help file.

For now, I'm storing all attachments in the message bodies, not
decoded in a separate folder. Should I, for this to work?

Or, could the trial license of my NOD32 have anything to do with this?

Questions, questions :)

Kind regards,


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