Oh I will be back....I lost everything due to loading a sony music disk with the spyware that they have been adding to their Music to prevent Copywrite infringments...and to TRACK your every move when it come to music... The Texas attourny general is Bringing SONY/BMG of NY to court on criminal charges....as well as possible million of dollars in fines and possible lawysuits.....It Destroyed my two month old computer so I could not boot.....HP tried everything they could think of but I had to eventually do a destructive install of the OS...And the Irony is that I was in the middle of backing up my system when it froze......Imagine that Luck....Try to back up so if I have problems in the future I can restore...I didn't even know about the sony problem at that time...only learned about it 2 days later......

So Whom ever was the Name caller previously...that is the least of my worries....if he has issues and need to call people names and is miserable in his life that he has to take it out on Newbies as you say (which I am) then so be it...Only hope he get help before it escalates into something else.....I acutally feel bad for this person that he has to bring himself to this level to make himself feel good....Oh well.....as I said that is the least of my problem and something that will not keep me away.....

I am starting from the beggining again so if my setup is off please bear with me....I have 2 months of work to do to get even close to where I was...



Bob F!

To each his own...

From: "rich gregory" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

MB> But I don't expect to see him back here, given that the only advice
MB> he received from fellow members of TBUDL was to read the Help File or
MB> to go back to his ISP for help.

Current version is 3.62.14 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Current version is 3.62.14 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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