Combine&decode attachments

2003-10-02 Thread Sergey Kovalyov
Hello TBUDL,

I  received very big file as attachment (*.exe) which was divided into
parts. How to combine those parts in TB! to get the file working?

In OE you can just click on Combine&Decode and everything's done but
in TB! it's not that easy. ...Or did I miss something?

The Bat! 2.00.6

Best regards,
Sergey Kovalyov
Kiev, Ukraine

Current version is 2.00.6 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: Parking the whole thread at once

2002-12-12 Thread Sergey Kovalyov
Hello Gerd,
n, 12:56:56 PM, you wrote:

GE> Or mark the whole thread (if you have threaded view activated), right
GE> mouse click, Thread, Park

Well, I should be more attentive when doing rightmouse clicks.
Thanks a lot.

Best regards,
Sergey Kovalyov
Kiev, Ukraine

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Parking the whole thread at once

2002-12-12 Thread Sergey Kovalyov
Hello TBUDL.

Can  I  park  the  whole  thread  with  one  click (shortcut)? This is
what I use in Agent quite often.


Sergey Kovalyov
Ukraine, Kiev

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: KAV with the Bat!

2002-04-02 Thread Sergey Kovalyov

Hello Robert,

Monday, April 01, 2002, 8:13:11 AM, you wrote:

RG> I've  got  some  information  on  having   The Bat!  work with  KAV
RG>Personal  and  higher.  Anyone interested may contact me personally
RG>and I will forward the needed files.

Yes, I'm interested about KAV working with the Bat!

I'm using KAV 4.0 Personal Pro (works very slooowly, BTW) and the Bat!

My machine: Duron 800 Mh, 384 RAM, Windows 2000 Pro Eng SP2.

Best regards,
Sergey Kovalyov
Kiev, Ukraine

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Re[2]: Attachments' reminder

2002-02-13 Thread Sergey Kovalyov

Hello Peter,

I'm so sorry for my ISP - they add some new equipment to the existing
one, that's why I cannot connect to the List.

But Tuesday, February 12, 2002, 6:32:08 PM, you wrote:

PP> so forget my explanations, they wont lead to any success with your
PP> problem/question.

All I understood: the best solution for my problem (is it really a
problem?) is waiting for the time when this feature - checking the
weight of attachment - would be implemented, if ever.

OK. What I badly need now is a teacher of good meditation. I need some
relax. When we are relaxed we remember everything or almost everything
and we don't need any "reminders".

Thanks all for your answers.
Best regards,
Sergey Kovalyov
Kiev, Ukraine


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Latest Vers: 1.53d

Attachments' reminder

2002-02-09 Thread Sergey Kovalyov

Hello TBUDL,

  Sometimes  I  need  to  send  files. And sometimes they are very big
  (about  1  meg).  And sometimes I forget to zip them before sending.

  The  question  is:  is  it  possible in TB! to make a reminder (with
  macros  or  regular  expressions)  so that when I'm trying to send a
  message with attachment that exceeds, for example 200 kb, it pops up
  and  asks  something like "wouldn't be better to zip your attachment
  before sending?"

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,
Sergey Kovalyov
Kiev, Ukraine


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Re[5]: Bye Bye The Bat.... Say Hi to Becky!

2001-09-02 Thread Sergey Kovalyov

Hello ::Andrew::,

Sunday, September 02, 2001, 3:46:01 PM, you wrote:

SK>> As  for  reminders themselves. I receive them from my friends and very
SK>> often they sound like 'do you know that ...' because of the style
SK>> they're written. In this way they're absolutely useless and I hate it.

A> That's more a question of how a template is written not the
A> technology. But a reminder doesn't need to be for friends it could
A> equally be for business or other purposes.

Well... May be.
In case of templates I don't see any difference between friends and business
- friendly business or business friends - all the same.

P.M. This reminder thread is not only of a question of technology or
regular expressions or filtering or anything else of the kind. It's a question of
ethics (I'm sorry) too, which is being omitted so often.
Best regards,
Sergey Kovalyov
Kiev, Ukraine

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Re[3]: Bye Bye The Bat.... Say Hi to Becky!

2001-09-02 Thread Sergey Kovalyov

Hello ::Andrew::,

Sunday, September 02, 2001, 12:03:16 PM, you wrote:

A> Feature: Reminder Mails (let's call it a reminder rather than
A> birthday)

A> 1) Individuals

A> - template definition possible.
A> - option to edit the created email before it's sent.
A> - option to open just a blank email.
A> - multiple reminders possible.
A> - option to gently remind thomas of the football result last night :)

A> 2) Groups

A> - template definition possible.
A> - option to edit the created email before it's sent.
A> - option to open just a blank email.
A> - multiple reminders possible.

A> thoughts?

I think it's kind of skins in programmes like WinAmp or personalized
menu  in  Win(Office)2K.  You  try  to  be as personal as possible but
what's personal in templates?
By  the  way, sometimes change something in templates takes a lot more
efforts than to create from scratch.
As  for  reminders themselves. I receive them from my friends and very
often they sound like 'do you know that ...' because of the style
they're written. In this way they're absolutely useless and I hate it.
Best regards,
Sergey Kovalyov
Kiev, Ukraine

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Re[2]: Using Threads

2001-05-24 Thread Sergey Kovalyov

Hello Serge,

Thursday, May 24, 2001, 8:47:19 AM, you wrote:

SS> The problem may be caused by your POP server that attaches different
SS> Message-IDs at different sessions or otherwise modify In-Reply-To fields
SS> etc. Thus, the messages are not from the same thread any more:(
Sorry for such a huge quantity of numbers.

One example - messages received at one session:
Subject: Where'd my message indicator go?
Subject: Re: Where'd my message indicator go?
References: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Where'd my message indicator go?
References: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Here messages are in the same thread

The other example - messages received at different sessions:
Subject: Reformat hard drive
Subject: Re: Reformat hard drive
References: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Reformat hard drive
References: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
And here #1 stands alone and #2 and #3 are in the thread

Actually, I don't see any false logic.

One more thing to viewing messages in threads.
Trying to find the best way to do it I've noticed that when I check 
View By Reference sometimes I get in the same thread messages with 
different subjects, let alone those Message-ID's, In-Reply-To's, References.

I'm thinking of a kind of bug. 
Thank you any way :)

Best regards,
Sergey Kovalyov
Kiev, Ukraine

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Using Threads

2001-05-23 Thread Sergey Kovalyov

Hello All,

  The situation is:

  I set View Threads by Subject.
  I receive several e-mails (from TBUDL) at a time with identical subject.
  (One mail goes with the subject and others with RE: prefix.)
  Well, there is no problem: all of them appear in the same thread.

  If I receive such mails separately (in different sessions)- no luck.
  In this case one mail - with the subject - is standalone mail. And the
  rest (with RE: prefix)form the thread itself.
  1. Why?
  2. What can I do to have in one thread all e-mails (with & without RE:) which
  belong to one subject?


 The Bat! 1.52f
Best regards,
Sergey Kovalyov
Kiev, Ukraine

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Re: Bringing newsgroup and mailing lists messages together

2001-05-03 Thread Sergey Kovalyov

Hello Paula,

Saturday, April 28, 2001, 9:02:14 PM, you wrote:

P> My basic problem is that I subscribe to both a lot of mailing lists
P> and  a  lot of newsgroups dealing with the same subjects related to
P> computing.  I  save  a lot of messages from both sources for future
P> reference.  Retrieving  the  information,  though,  is  clunky with
P> having  to  search  both  sources  separately and not being able to
P> categorize  the  newsgroup  messages at all. And, I'm just tired of
P> having information scattered all over the place.

P> So, I was thinking that I might switch to using Agent for both
P> newsgroups and mailing lists, keeping The Bat! for non-mailing list use,
P> but that would be a kludgy workaround. I'd rather find a way to get my
P> newsgroups messages into The Bat! So, I was wondering if anyone knows of
P> a news reader that would let me save out messages in a format that I
P> could import into The Bat!? Or, is it a totally goofy idea?

As for bringing together Mail and News -- try MailNavigator:
MailNavigator  is  for  operation  with  e-mail  and  usenet  news. It
definitely works with TB! and Agent (it's my XP).

Sergey Kovalyov
Kiev, Ukraine

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Re: The Bat!-GUI question

2001-05-02 Thread Sergey Kovalyov

Hello Silviu,

Tuesday, May 01, 2001, 9:08:41 AM, you wrote:

SC>   Can someone tell me what GDK was used to make The Bat!'s GUI ?

Just today I have read in the TB! FAQ (Russian version)that they used
Delphi 2. Next version (3, 4, 5, 6) they plan for TB! 2.x.

Sergey Kovalyov
Kiev, Ukraine

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Re[2]: Program for storing TB! messages.

2001-05-02 Thread Sergey Kovalyov

Hello Olivier,

Tuesday, May 01, 2001, 1:07:51 PM, you wrote:

OM> Why  wouldn't  you  use  the  Tools  - Backup function of The Bat!
OM> itself ? I do.

I do too. I usually back up some important TB! files in case of system
or  program  crash  (reinstall).  But  I  need  to work with all those
messages as well. It's not very comfortable for me to do the job in TB!
that's why I need a 'mail manager'.
I  wrote  an answer to TBUDL with thanks for Treepad. And I'll try one
more program -- AskSam (thanks to Dwight Corrin).
Well, we'll see...
Anyway, thank you.

Sergey Kovalyov
Kiev, Ukraine

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Re[4]: Program for storing TB! messages ( to jlaikan ).

2001-05-02 Thread Sergey Kovalyov

Hello jlaikan,

Tuesday, May 01, 2001, 5:34:44 AM, you wrote:

j> I also use CD Rom backup and I use a software called FileBack PC j>
which for me is 100-100

Very  funny.  Is  your  version 3.21 of 12.09.2000? If so, you're 100%

Sergey Kovalyov
Kiev, Ukraine

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Re[2]: Program for storing TB! messages.

2001-04-30 Thread Sergey Kovalyov

Hello Nick,

Monday, April 30, 2001, 11:46:24 PM, you wrote:

NA> Sergey,  how  large  is  the total message base you are wanting to
NA> save?
Approximately 150 MB (folders are compressed and without unnecessary

NA>  If  possible,  why  don't  you  simply copy the entire folder
NA> structure to a 250 MB ZIP Disk, or Tape Drive.
I use CD-R/RW for archiving documents and program files.

I  think I'd thank William Moore in advance for TreePad. Nice app, but
I should play with it for a while to be able to say something more.

Sergey Kovalyov
Kiev, Ukraine

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Program for storing TB! messages.

2001-04-30 Thread Sergey Kovalyov

Hello All,
I'm looking for a program to store my TB! messages. Because I  have
lots of them (thousands) and sorted into many folders (300 or something)
I  can't  just  export messages one by one (or using SHIFT when selecting).
One more condition: I'd like to have my messages tree intact  in  some  way
or  in  the other (think of about 300 different people)and  I understand
that it's not always possible.
Who can advise me what?

P.S. I've tried MailBag 2.0 It's fifty-fifty.

Sergey Kovalyov
Kiev, Ukraine

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