You wrote :

>>> HTML message edition. (TB will have this feature in the future).
DH>> Brrrrr.
> Grrrr <snarl> and we can use the powerful scripting language to put
> html users names on mailing lists, invalidate their driving licence
> and give them a criminal record. Ok maybe the mailing list idea is a
> bit harsh

I have noticed that pixies don't like HTML. I assume that it is
because HTML is easy enough that normal humans can do things with it
that they like to do - and that is why pixies the world over are doing
their best to produce a version of HTML that will be as normal human
friendly as Linux. When they have done that, the magical fellows will
be able to disappear into vast areas of cyber-space, untraceable and
incomprehensible, leaving the rest of us to use (or be used by)
Microsoft and play with our skins. The question for someone whose 30
days' free trial is not yet up is - are they going to take the Bat
with them?

As someone who uses e-mail mainly to make jokes and arrange drinking
bouts, all I want is something that does not regularly explode - thank
you, Netscape - has an uncluttered interface - bye-bye Eudora - and
won't take your house over during the dark hours of the night - exit
Outlook. My worries about the Bat are that a) I have to pay for it,
and b) in order to do anything elaborate, I will have to transmutate
into a pixy. Reading this list, I begin to feel the tips of my ears
throbbing. But I don't want to have to buy a new hat, however cute,
along with the program.

           Best wishes
                Timothy Mason

               mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Toute cabinette tini maringouin

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