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On vrijdag 21 februari 2003 at 6:33 you wrote
subject: **SPAM** SpamCop Filter Questions

CM> Howdy,

CM> I've been trying to follow last week's thread on setting up SpamCop
CM> filters. Have a couple of questions related to the SpamCop filters on Mark's
CM> FAQ site:

CM> 1. In the first filter, where can I find out what the values in the
CM> "Actions" line mean (e.g.,

CM> 2. In the second filter, the instructions talk about changing the name
CM> and password info in the SaveTemplate line ("You will have to change the
CM> "" text to be your account name and
CM> password."). I set up a free account for reporting spam on SpamCop but I
CM> am not a paying member. Do I need to be a paying member to make this
CM> second filter work? I received an authorization code when I created my
CM> account, but I don't ever recall having a password.

CM> Thanks much.

CM> -- 
CM> Chris Montgomery

CM> ________________________________________________
CM> Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:


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