On Wed, 8 Feb 2006 at 17:01:02 +0100, Roelof wrote:
> In the AB entry you've got to check the option 'add secondary
> addresses to BCC field' at the 'Others' tab
> Now you've got to create a new message from the AB, otherwise the
> option won't work.

This is where you can do useful things with macros and the memo field in an
addressbook entry.

I use my memo field to:
   * set greetings for people (so I have an addressbook entry for Joe Smith,
     but I can automatically start my email to him "Hey Cool Kat"
   * set closing of my emails (so an email to my daughter ends "Love, Dad"
     but one to my clients ends "Regards, Robin")
   * set read or delivery receipts so that I know when people receive and
     read my emails
   * set the account and signature that a person gets my email from, so that
     my boss never gets an email from my personal account with my personal

And recently I set up a macro that allows me to specify a secondary address
that always gets included in the CC field without needing to start from the

I set the following line in the memo field of the relevant addressbook entry


and the line


in all of my templates and then use the four macros listed below.

The reason there are several levels of macro is that I have a number of
different "FindTknType" macros (a middle level) that deal differently with
multiple entries on the address line so that I can handle an email to
multiple recipients properly.

,----- [ Add_CC ]
   Include secondary addresses noted in memo field between <CC> tags.
   A token is identified by a line of the form:


   Written by Robin Anson 4 Dec 2005

   %_AddCC_List stores the original list of recipients
   %_AddCC_Temp stores the list of recipients yet to be processed
   %_AddCC_CC stores the CC list
%rem=^   Initialise variables^%-
%_AddCC_Temp="%_AddCC_List, %CCList"%-

,----- [ FindTknType0 ]

FindTokenType0 returns a list of values of a single token from an XML
style entry in the memo fields of a list of address book entries.

The list contains the value for that token (if it exists) for each address
in the address list



:/%_FindTkn_Text='%_FindTkn_Text, %_FT_TmpTxt'/://+^%-

,----- [ ParseAddressList ]


   %_FirstAddress: first address from the list
   %_RemainingAddressList: address list without the first


,----- [ Get_Memo_Attribute ]

   <attribute value>=%QInclude(Get_Memo_Attribute,"Tag","Default_Value")


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