Hello Everyone!

When you Save as Draft a message for which you've specified Encrypt
Complete in the Privacy settings, and then you go to the Outbox and
re-open that message for further editing, the Outbox folder settings
over-ride the PGP Encrypt Complete setting of the original message.

The Outbox folder takes its settings from the Account settings. And an
Editor window opened from the Outbox folder--even only the re-opening
of a Saved Draft--will over-ride the Address-Book settings.

I have written a wish to have this changed and have the Editor window
opened from the Outbox respect Address Book settings--as the Editor
window will already do in other circumstances, that is, when not
opened from the Outbox folder focus.

If that is not possible, in Other Information on my BugTracker BatWish
entry, I put my desire to have a warning when The Bat! has
automatically unticked a PGP Encrypt Complete setting.

Otherwise, an uninformed user--or an informed but unwary user--could
send out in clear a message he/she had intended to send encrypted.

In some circumstances, this would cause a serious security or privacy

Please support:


Thanks a mil, in advance! :)

Best regards,
The Bat 3.95.8 on Windows XP Media Center Edition Service Pack 2

Current version is 3.95.06 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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