Reply to message sent 10/21/2002, @ 11:40:17 (5:40 PM Locally)

Peter quipped:
PNS>> Yeah, I have the same mini-gripe. But I usually run TB minimized
PNS>> and try to ignore the flying beastie. I've been experimenting
PNS>> with a small POP-account monitor in my task bar to let me know I
PNS>> have mail (it just changes color; it doesn't flash much).

Carren suggested:
> Just a thought for you guys who don't like the "flying beastie"!
> Why don't you just set a sound alert for your different mail accounts?

Nick added: I think I've mentioned this before, but another solution
and one that I swear by is using good ol' PowerPro. I have different
"flags" programmed in PowerPro that are called from various folders in
TB!. I use different colored flags for each folder and make the flags
small, I use 5 pixel squares. When mail drops in those folders the
flag appears in the upper left side of the screen, of course you can
put them anywhere. I program the flags so that with a right click they
reset and take me to the virtual desktop where I keep TB! opened. A
left click and they just disappear - in other words, don't bother me
now I'll check it out later. But if still more mail comes in the
appropriate flag will pop back on.

Very obscure, yet informative.

ò.ó Nick

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