Hi. Can anyone explain why jpeg files inserted into an outgoing e-mail
message functions differently in The Bat and in Outlook.  In The Bat, if
I set up an outgoing message as HTML or HTML/print, and insert an
"image" , the image being a jpeg file, recipients using Outlook as well
as The Bat, will see the message embedded into the message itself.  That
is, the image will appear on the face of the message, without the need
to click open an .html icon or any other icon.  However, if I use the
insert "picture" function in Outlook, I cannot get the image to appear
on the face of an e-mail in either The Bat or in Outlook. In The Bat, an
HTML icon will appear and that icon has to be clicked to open up the
image. In Outlook, security settings prevent the picture from
automatically appearing.  Rather, one must right click the mouse and
select "download" to get the image to appear; and, when it does appear,
it is at a much lower resolution than what appeared when sent through
The Bat.  Why the difference?  What is causing this?



Avram Sacks



using The Bat ver. 4.0.18 on Windows XP Pro, sp2

Current version is 4.1.11 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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