Hello Douglas,

Mitteilung vom Freitag, 29. Juni 2001, 13:11:10:

DH> P.S.

DH> poco means not much in Spanish & my general feeling is that it's no
DH> much of a competitor compared to TB! What I'm looking from is
DH> confirmation of this from someone who has looked at it recently,
DH> since I don't plan on doing so myself.

1 (adj;pron) (sg;gen) little;
  (pequeño) small;
  (escaso) slight, scanty;

I'm sorry, but "not much" is a very derogatory translation; "small"
will describe the program more precise.

Maybe it's not a real competitor to TB! ( and I'm using TB! for
myself) but there is at least a very nice macro language in Poco I'd
like to have in TB!

And as to the confirmation: a man has to do his experiences for
himself ...

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