Hi Cory,

Wednesday, September 1, 2004, 10:57:47 AM, you wrote:

C> On Wed, 1 Sep 2004 17:26:07 +1000, John Phillips

>>> The Bat! 3.0 has taken the developers a year of work in close contact
>>> with users to achieve their goals.

C> I've received this annoucement too. BULLSHIT!! Hey, RitLabs, you hear
C> that? BULLSHIT!!
C> Most annoying bugs in (basic) mail protocol functionality as reported
C> for v1 *and* v2 are still in, and certainly others will be introduced.
C> And now you want us to improve your cash flow? Forget it, not me!!

:( Looks like im not the only person to think like this.

I am seriously thinking of installing Outlook 2003. It is a very good
client (have to use it at work) and is pretty damn secure these days.

TB! is just a huge let down now :( I hope Ritlabs go bust, nobody
should pay for TB!3, it just isn't worth the money.


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