Re[2]: 2 questions: re AVG & Popfile

2003-08-04 Thread Deborah W
On Monday, August 4, 2003, 6:17:13 AM, Allister Jenks wrote:

AJ> I went through pretty much the same problem you are having. Once
AJ> you've tried your filter, have a look at the contents of the batch
AJ> file and see what you are getting. In my case, I was getting the
AJ> entire header content of the email at first.

I'm getting part of the headers - From, To, Date, Subject & Files.
Doesn't it need the message id in there to work?

AJ> My template above should get around that, but you may find when you
AJ> look at the batch file it becomes clearer what it is attempting to
AJ> do, and therefore where the problem is.

I've looked at the batch file, but tbh it's no clearer to me at all :-/.
All I see is a basic text file with the email on which I've run the
filter pasted into it. I'm not sure where to go from here - would you be
willing to copy & paste your filter into a text-file & send it to me so
I could try to see the differences? (off-list is fine)


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Re[2]: 2 questions: re AVG & Popfile

2003-08-03 Thread Deborah W
On Sunday, August 3, 2003, 3:25:31 AM, Allister Jenks wrote:

AJ> Deborah, I don't know if you saw the subsequent postings I made with
AJ> regard to Carsten's filter. My problem boiled down to the template
AJ> being coded for a Beta version. Mine is below, and I have it working
AJ> on v1.62r.

AJ> %SetPattRegExp='^X-POPFile-Link: <(.*?)>$'%-
AJ> %RegExpBlindMatch="%Headers" "C:\Program Files\Internet
AJ> Explorer\iexplore.exe" "%SubPatt='1'"

Thank you - but I still can't get it to work. I replaced the appropriate
bit in Carsten's filter with the bit you gave me above, then cut &
pasted the whole filter into the Sorting Office, but no luck. I'm
getting something that looks like it might be a DOS screen when I try it
- but it flashes up so briefly I can't tell. It's not doing anything
for POPfile as far as I can tell :-(


Current version is 1.62r | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: 2 questions: re AVG & Popfile

2003-08-03 Thread Deborah W
On Sunday, August 3, 2003, 5:04:00 AM, Marek Mikus wrote:

MM> they introduced new web and plugin pages are temporarily
MM> unavailable. In AVG7 is plugin included in installation package, for
MM> AVG6 is plugin here:


Thank you :-)


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