Hello Allie,

it's weird i have tb! installed for imap on both my desktop and laptop
and both give the same problem. Any suggestions on how to fix? Perhaps
if I download the latest beta (what's the url?)


Friday, May 21, 2004, 3:31:26 AM, you wrote:

AM> Andrew, [A] wrote:

A>> Ok firstly auto filtering still doesn't work is that correct?

AM> Not yet, but it's being worked on. Hopefully it'll be up and working
AM> reliably soon.

A>> Secondly after upgrading to 2.10.03 attachments can't be opened.
A>> When I view my imap folders using Mozilla Thunderbird (which I
A>> briefly thought might be better than TB! at IMAP) it can open and
A>> save the attachments fine. For some reason TB! can't open the same
A>> attachment.

AM> I don't have that problem though I do know that the experience with
AM> TB!'s IMAP can vary widely. Again, IMAP is being given attention and
AM> hopefully this sort of unpredictable behaviour will be sorted out.

Best regards,

Current version is 2.10.03 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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