Hello Paul,

Monday, March 20, 2006, 3:39:41 PM, you wrote:

Paul> Hi Peter,

Paul> Monday, March 20, 2006, 8:28:30 PM, you wrote:
>> I have no problem. But is the "http://news....stm"; showing up in blue
>> colour? 

Paul> It shows up in Blue here, it is a valid address I just tried it
Paul> again. I copied it directly off the BBC website :)

>> Here it is now in black since it is not a proper address and
>> is highlighted by the spell checker, however

Paul> Odd. In your reply the URL I originally posted is highlighted
Paul> in blue as is the one that you posted! I'd be interested to see
Paul> if anyone has the link in black. I pasted your URL into this
Paul> email and did a spell-check and TB did highlight it in blue and
Paul> popped up suggestions for each part of the URL it didn't recognise!

I found the origin of the blue colour: if you go to Option |
Preferences | Viewer/Editor | MicroEd | references or HTML/Windows |
Hyperlink is where the link is set to blue colour.

Why is the spell checker ignoring it I am not sure.

Best regards,
 Peter                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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