Re[2]: Multi-Boot PC

2002-04-10 Thread Greg Strong

Hello Peter,

Wednesday, April 3, 2002, 1:34:45 AM, you wrote:

PP Install TB! where ever you like.

FYI I installed TB! in for the 2nd OS onto the extended partition.  In
the exact location as the 1st OS.  No problems!  Works fine so far.

As instructed I exported the portion of the registry under RIT, and
there were 2. I originally installed forgetting to import those
previous exports. On starting TB! it ask for the new account. I closed
 did the import of the registry. Things seem to work fine after the
import of the registry.

Instructions for TB! multi-boot PC with multi-partitioned disk:
1) Export all pertinent registry entries pertaining to RIT from OS
where TB! first installed.
2) Reboot PC into 2nd OS.
3) Import registry files into registry created from #1 with merge from
right click of file.
4) Install TB! in 2nd OS in exact location as 1st installation.

I THINK the key is what ever OS is booted TB! is still in the same
path. If my memory is correct this was a potential issue for VA on
multi-boot PC where the OSs was not able to keep the same path. I don't
recall what the work around was. I presently use just Win98. This
maybe a problem when I install Win2k or WinXP Pro.

If someone is more clear on path issue where different OS used, please
let me know.  I would sure like to know.

Best regards,

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Re[2]: Multi-Boot PC

2002-04-07 Thread Greg Strong

Hello Peter,

Wednesday, April 3, 2002, 1:34:45 AM, you wrote:

PP If both installations are set to the same path as 'Mail directory'
PP everything should be fine. The only thing you can't share within a dual
PP boot environment are all settings done in registry.
PP I.e. settings like Font, date format settings, etc ... you'll have to
PP set up TB! once, than export the registry branch of TB! and import
PP this one into the other OS for having your account's being recognized

This makes sense to me.

PP (The name and [if different from default] account dir are stored in
PP registry, account data itself not).

I'm not certain what you are trying to say here.  I think you are trying
to tell me the account name is stored in the registry.  So if I import the
pertinent portion of the registry into the other OS, I'm okay.  But since
I have only installed TB! once for the trial, it may ask for the account
name on installation.  If account name asked on installation, then any
information provided on the install MUST be the same as what is already in
the registry.

I don't know, so please clarify.  TIA!

Best regards,

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Re[2]: Multi-Boot PC

2002-04-03 Thread Henry Harte

Hello Peter,

Wednesday, April 03, 2002, 4:34:45 PM, 

Does this suggest that TWO (or more) licences would then be required
for this arrangement?

That is to say, is the licence for a user, a computer (hardware) or an
O/S (software) configuration?

PP Hello Greg,

PP On Wednesday, April 3, 2002 at 2:32:04 AM you wrote (at least in
PP part):

GS Can TB! be configured to run on a multi-boot PC so ONLY ONE message base 
GS exists?

PP Yes.

GS I have 3 partitions
GS (1) 1st partition for application set A  OS Win98
GS (2) 2nd partition for application set B  OS Win98
GS (3) Extended partition for data

GS This set up is to eliminate potential conflicts of applications.

GS What I've done for other applications is install them on the extended 
GS partition because it always boots to D.  When I ask this question I would 
GS appreciate it when answering to keep in mind potential problems when I 
GS upgrade this old PC to either Win2k or WinXP Pro.  

PP Install TB! where ever you like. In 'Options' / 'Preferences' /
PP 'System' / 'Mail directory' you can set the base path to your message
PP base, which should be finally located at the (extended) data
PP partition.

PP If both installations are set to the same path as 'Mail directory'
PP everything should be fine. The only thing you can't share within a dual
PP boot environment are all settings done in registry.
PP I.e. settings like Font, date format settings, etc ... you'll have to
PP set up TB! once, than export the registry branch of TB! and import
PP this one into the other OS for having your account's being recognized
PP (The name and [if different from default] account dir are stored in
PP registry, account data itself not).


Best regards,
 Henrymailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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