Re[2]: OT Calypso (Was Re: 1.60k)

2002-05-15 Thread Douglas Hinds

Hello MikeM,

In reply to what you wrote on Wednesday, May 15, 2002, at 11:16:29 AM:

M |What do you feel are the good points of Calypso over The Bat!

I am a registered Calypso owner and also a Calypso refugee.

M Only one advantage that I see -- Calypso keeps all the messages and
M settings in a single file. I need that for my mailing list usage.

With TB! you can either filter all mail to a single directory or use
the ticker and open a virtual window from it that gives you all that's
on it, together. (Allie does this).

Calypso (v.3) had no multilingual dictionaries (plus it's English
version was really bad) and couldn't download from multiple accounts

M Another thing I like about Calypso (though more minor) is that the
M message store is encrypted (albeit, not too strongly).

Calypso crashed on me after doing a minor upgrade and wouldn't open or
reinstall after that, so I had NO access to 55 mb of my email. Worst
of all, MCS Dallas' Tech Support was worse than useless - they proved
to be totally incapable, irresponsible and in fact insulting. I got
much more help from fellow TBUDL members recuperating my mail from
that file and Stefan himself has resolved a few TB! issues when
needed. TB! is a stronger product and the developers are real people,
who will deal and level with you. TBUDL and the other TB! lists are
also valuable (if occasionally imperfect) assets.

MCS Dallas has now dropped Calypso (they sell a contact manager suite
w/ that name though), while TB! has come out with upgrade after
upgrade, free of charge (except for the even more Secure Bat).

In short, Calypso had a pretty appearance but was technologically weak
and MCS Dallas can **! as far as I'm concerned.

M I haven't taken the time yet to see if TB! has a similar feature.

I don't encrypt but many here do.

M ... TB! is a living growing product. Calypso has been orphaned.

M Having said that, I'll be moving my email usage from Outlook '97
M and Calypso to TB! over the next few weeks (except for this mailing
M list account, which has to stay in Calypso due to the single file
M thing).

You won't be sorry for having switched.

M I do like what I've seen in TB! during my eval period. And I hope
M to discover more good stuff as I explore.

Douglas Hinds


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Re[2]: OT Calypso (Was Re: 1.60k)

2002-05-15 Thread Douglas Hinds

Hello Marcus,

On Wednesday, May 15, 2002, 12:20:53 PM, you replied to my saying to
Mike M's statement:

M Another thing I like about Calypso (though more minor) is that the
M message store is encrypted (albeit, not too strongly). I haven't
M taken the time yet to see if TB! has a similar feature.

DH I don't encrypt but many here do.

MO No they don't since TB! does not offer encryption of the message bases
MO (Secure Bat does, but that is a different product). Some use external
MO software for encrypting the message bases but that was not what MikeM
MO asked about.

The implication of my statement was that since I don't encrypt, I
don't have much to say say about that. OTOH, since many here DO
encrypt, one of those who do would be a better source of info
regarding TB's encrypting capability.

I recently installed WinXP Pro on this machine and as I recall, one
can fix rights for others to access certain files etc. - so there's more
than one way to go in order to limit access. (I am not surprised that
TB! doesn't offer encryption of the message bases or that Secure Bat
does, so that's yet another option. IAC, TB! is a far better product.
(Anyone want a Calypso license)?



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