Monday, September 8, 2003, 11:42:08 AM, Pixie wrote:
P> On Mon, 8 Sep 2003 11:24:01 -0400 GMT, Dave Kennedy wrote:
P> Grin! I was fascinated with the telecommunications facet of
P> computers from the instant I was exposed to it. I think the
P> first modem I used was home-made. :-)

Home-made! Very cool! My first dial-up access was over a 110 baud
coupler-style modem attached to a teletype (it even had paper
tape!) to an HP-2000 across town. I was in high school and was a
"technical" assistant in a group that had the teletype. After
doing my real work, I could program in BASIC as much as I wanted.
I used to rig the computer room's door lock (it was actually just
a closet) and climb over the main school gate to sneak in after
school hours. I finally got busted by the janitor. You should
have seen the quandary the principle was in deciding what
punishment to dole out to me! An AP student "breaking into"
school after hours to learn more about computers!

P> I have a few of those still. My word, I think the going rate
P> on a couple of the USR modems I have was around US$600+ at the
P> time. That may have even been after the SysOp discount.

Very fun times. Crosstalk, etc.! My neighbor across the street
ran a BBS and had at least one T into his house to support all
his phone lines. I used to dog-sit for him and all those blinking
lights and silver USR modems were way cool. This was circa
1982-1984 or so.

Dave Kennedy

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