> Hello Susanne,
> Sunday, November 17, 2013, 1:26:27 AM, among other things, you wrote:

S>> Hi,

S>>  I've been using TB for a long time now (starting with v.1), and am
S>>  currently on version 4.2.
S>>  Is it worth upgrading to v.6?
> Version  6 still has a number of problems, I suggest that you rather upgrade
> to version 5.8.10 at this stage.

S>>  How is html working with that version, and would I need to buy a
S>>  completely new licence, or can I get a discounted "upgrade" one?
> 5.8.10  works  well.   A  new  licence  would  be required but it will allow
> eventual upgrade to version 6.  I'm not sure about discounts.

S>>  If I did upgrade, would my current message base and all my
S>>  filters stay intact?
>  Yes.

17 November 2013

I keep seeing references to version 5.8.10 yet my 5.8.8 said it was
the current version right up until the release of V6.0

I also cannot see anything later than version 5.8.8 on Ritlab's site.

As for whether the OP should upgrade I was using the last of the V4.*
releases for years. I suffered fairly regular corruption of message
bases, shown when I used the "Maintenance Centre" facility. I also
suffered the odd total crash of TB! when a message with either
something in the headers it disliked, or some facet of my filtering it
disliked, occurred. These all seem resolved in 5.8.8 and I have no
regrets at all about updating. I paid an update fee and went from V4.*
Professional to V5.8.8 Home, as I didn't really need the extras of the
Pro version.

I will hold off going to V6.* until it's a lot more mature.


Chris Wilson

"Using The Bat! v5.8.8 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 3"


Current version is 5.2.2 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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