Re: Re[2]: Virus warning upon execution of mail download

2004-06-16 Thread sacksa
I would like to thank Thomas Fernandez and everyone else who wrote in 
regarding the virus warning I received upon downloading mail.  (For those 
who are keeping track, I posted the problem from my other e-mail address 
([EMAIL PROTECTED]).)  Because my eTrust AV program works so well, it caught 
the virus  on an incoming e-mail and didn't allow the virus laden e-mail 
into my in-box.  It remained, however, in the Temp folder and on the 
server.   Deleting the e-mail from the Temp file was only half the job. By 
going out to the server (I chose to use webmail to get a direct look at 
what was on the server) I was able to spot the offending message and 
delete it. The fixed the problem. Again, thanks for the help.   [Now, 
could someone PLEASE help with the other problem I posted to the list the 
other day regarding copying the prgram to my laptop?]

Avram Sacks
Chicago, IL

using The Bat ver. 1.62r with WinXP Professional.

Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Virus warning upon execution of mail download

2004-06-13 Thread Tony
Hello Thomas,

TF>>> The AV should kick in when I ask it. That's how I have set it: It I do
TF>>> want to open an attachment, I ask the doctor (PC-Cillin): Does this
TF>>> file contain a virus?

T>> I *will* forget to ask the doctor for sure :(
T>> That's why I have set everything to automatic.

TF> Then don't complain about it nanny-ing you, or alternatively download
TF> the mind-reading plug-in.

TF> outlaw OE/OL and you have the main problem fixed. Why are we
TF> discussing this here, by the way?

Mmmm, sounds like I somehow touch a sore spot.
Better stop this discussion...

Best regards, Tony  

Expressing anger is a form of public littering. 

Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Virus warning upon execution of mail download

2004-06-13 Thread Tony
Hello Melissa,

MR> Hi William,

MR> On Sunday, June 13, 2004, at 12:52:08 AM PST, you wrote:

>> I don't have this problem using NOD32 independently.

>> It flags an incoming virus-laden message, I delete it, end of story.

MR> I've been using NOD32 for a few years now (since v1.x), and I really
MR> like the way v2 is working (no more need to configure that old POP3
MR> scanner module). I don't use a TB! plug-in, and messages aren't
MR> repeatedly downloaded to the temp folder. Once I delete an infected
MR> message at the point NOD32 detects it (during new message download), I
MR> delete it, and never hear from it again. :-)

Good news! I'm a NOD32 supporter myself.

Melissa watch out for NOD32!
You are in it's virus base :D

Best regards, Tony  

Life is the art of drawing sufficient conclusions from insufficient premises.

Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Virus warning upon execution of mail download

2004-06-13 Thread Tony
Hello Thomas,


T>> At that time the other part of your AV should kick in.

TF> The AV should kick in when I ask it. That's how I have set it: It I do
TF> want to open an attachment, I ask the doctor (PC-Cillin): Does this
TF> file contain a virus?
I *will* forget to ask the doctor for sure :(
That's why I have set everything to automatic.

T>> But I don't like that solution because I want to kill the virus asap.

TF> I do that with the  key.
But only after you started reading your incoming mail.
As you said there is no problem opening a virus mail on a non MS
I'm on other high volume lists where a large percentage uses Outlook
All people with good intentions. But sometimes a virus pops up.
The sender just forwarded an infected mail to the list.
I know it's a 'that happens once in a lifetime' example.
My point is just that IMO it the duty of every Internet user is to stop
spreading viruses the best s/he can. Even if her/his own system is immune
to it.

T>> And I don't like TB! forcing me to change AV.

TF> It isn't. You only need to adjust your settings to your environment
TF> and your desired behaviour.

Best regards, Tony  

Why the sun lightens our hair, but darkens our skin?

Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Virus warning upon execution of mail download

2004-06-13 Thread achdut
Hello Thomas,

Sunday, June 13, 2004, 2:11:14 AM, you wrote:

a>> And, just exactly, what IS TB's mail despatcher (dispatcher?)

TF> It's a utility with which you can manage mails on the (POP) server:

TF> Account / Despatch Mail on Server / All messages.

a>> It would appear that these files are in the Temp subdirectory.

TF> The despatcher shows you the mails on the server, before they even
TF> get to the temp directory.

If I use this utility, will I be able to identify which messages to
delete, or will it automatically delete all of them before I get a
chance to say "yes" or "no?"

Avram Sacks
Chicago, Il
using The Bat ver. 1.62r on Win XP Pro

Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Virus warning upon execution of mail download

2004-06-13 Thread achdut
Hello Thomas,

Sunday, June 13, 2004, 12:35:20 AM, you wrote:

I wrote: On Sat, 12 Jun 2004 23:48:46

a>> eTrust EZ Antivirus real-time protection has found that
a>> C:\DOCUME~1\AVRAM\LOCALS~1\Temp\bat653.tmp is HTML.ObjectDataHTA
a>> dropper

a>> However, I continue to get warning messages each time I download
a>> e-mail.  The message is always the same, except that the number
a>> changes.

TF> Of course. As TB hasn't successfully downloaded and imported the mail,
TF> it will try to do so at every mail check. This will not stop unless
TF> you delete the message on serever using TB's mail despatcher, or turn
TF> off your over-eager AV program.

If I understand correctly, what happened is that when The Bat attempts to
download e-mail, it is first downloaded to the Temp directory.  If the
message has a virus, then my AV software (My eTrust by Computer
Associates) will prevent the e-mail from going into a mail folder.
(Assuming, of course, that the signature files for the AV software
recognize the virus.) However, the virus-laden message still remains
on the server because The Bat would only direct the server to delete
the message AFTER the message finds its way into a Bat folder.
Because the message was only able to go as far as the Temp
subdirectory, The Bat did not instruct the server to delete the
offending e-mail. Is this correct.

Based on this, and not being familiar with "mail despactcher" I
assumed that I needed to delete a virus-laden message off of the
server. So, using webmail, I went out to the server using my web
browser and deleted two suspicious messages, both of which had

How do I delete the message on the server using TB's mail despatcher.
And, just exactly, what IS TB's mail despatcher (dispatcher?) It would
appear that these files are in the Temp subdirectory.

Ahhh, but your note gave me an idea.  I turned off AV just long
enough to highlight and delete the bat*.tmp files.

Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Virus warning upon execution of mail download

2004-06-12 Thread Tony
Hello All,

a>> eTrust EZ Antivirus real-time protection has found that
a>> C:\DOCUME~1\AVRAM\LOCALS~1\Temp\bat653.tmp is HTML.ObjectDataHTA
a>> dropper
a>> However, I continue to get warning messages each time I download
a>> e-mail.  The message is always the same, except that the number
a>> changes.

TF> See above. It is a good idea to exclude the temp folder from AV
TF> scanning, or at least exclude bat*.tmp files within that folder from
TF> the real-time scan.
I'm not sure that helps (in all cases)
It probably depends on the AV but some programs don't just scan the
files but the POP3/MAPI data stream. So the AV kick into action even
before the virus gets written to disk.
So excluding the scanning directory won't help.
A 'solution' could be not to scan e-mail at all.
The virus will just wait to get activated by Reading the e-mail or
something. At that time the other part of your AV should kick in.
But I don't like that solution because I want to kill the virus asap.

TF> Oh, and referring to another thread: This problem doesn't exist with
TF> plug-ins. That's the other advantage of AV plug-ins for TB.
Thread will get mixed up now; but the info in both threads apply to my
original question.
I can understand the use of a plug-in when using encrypted
But I have less positive thoughts about your .bat explanation.
I use an AV that outclasses (IMO) many others, including some with
And I don't like TB! forcing me to change AV.

Best regards, Tony  

An empty stomach is not a good political adviser.

Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information: