Hallo tracer,

On Sunday, October 17, 1999, 7:24:20 AM, tracer wrote:

t>>> 1. IS Thai setup?

Thomas>> You need a Thai driver. I have never worked with X-LAT tables, though.
Thomas>> Thai drivers come with Thai Windows. If you have stripped Thai out of

t> So its of interest to have programs which can type /read Thai but NOT
t> require the real Thai Windows.
t> Email most certainly falls in that category, and a program which
t> cannot do that misses part of the market ...

t> Conversion tables are with Thai not the whole story anyway I would
t> suspect...

My X-LAT table does not include Thai... :-(

t>>> 2. If not, CAN it be setup and how?
t>>> 3. How complex to select from ALL fonts in the control panel?

Thomas>> You have all the monospaced fonts right there in TB!, no need to go to
Thomas>> the Control Panel. Options/Editor Preferences/Display/Change, and
Thomas>> voila: no need to set up anything. It's as easy as that.

t> Can one add fonts to that list?  Or are any monospaced fonts
t> automaticaly shown?

They are automatically shown if you put them in the C:\Windows|Font


Thomas                             mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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