Re[3]: Filters

2005-10-26 Thread Jack S. LaRosa
Hello Stuart,

Tuesday, October 25, 2005, 8:14:08 AM, you wrote:

SC Hello Thomas,
SC Tuesday, October 25, 2005, 7:50:27 AM, you wrote:

TF Where are you?

TF I go to Account / Sorting Office. I go to Incoming Mail and I have a
TF General tab, not a Rules tab. I do not have an Alternatives tab.

SC He  is  using  version  2.11.02 which uses the old filtering system. I
SC don't  remember  how  to use the old system and I don't have access to
SC an old copy.

I am inferring from your reply that the later version of TB that
you're using has a different method of filtering. Would what I'm
trying to do be any easier with a later version of TB?


Best regards,

Now running TB! v2.11.02 from
Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 - Service Pack 2

Current version is 3.60.7 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[3]: Filters, Spam and Edits - test

2003-08-28 Thread Dave Kennedy
Thursday, August 28, 2003, 10:36:11 AM, PJ wrote:
P On Thursday, August 28, 2003, 9:25 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote
P re: editing an inbox message:

PJ If there is now a way to do so I would be thrilled to learn
PJ how!

You can also:

1. Drag the message to your Outbox folder.
2. Open it (double click on it)
3. Edit subject
4. Save it (don't send it)
5. Move it back to original folder

A bit cumbersome, but less so than exporting and importing.

Dave Kennedy

Current version is 1.62r | Using TBUDL information:

Re[3]: Filters, Spam and Edits

2003-08-28 Thread Bill Blinn Technology Editor
It seems that P.Johnson (as quoted by a Canadian in Houston) said ...

 Well, actually it is possible, but not solely with TB:
 Export the message
 Edit the subject with Notepad or another text editor.
 Import the message back into TB.
 Now you can delete the original message.

There might be a better way. A new user asked about the ability to
edit received messages. Without testing, I replied, Try Ctrl-E. So
today I tried it and thought I had provided bad advice.

Ctrl-E opens the message for editing as I said. But when you try to
close the message, TB asks if you want to save it and, if you do,
demands an entry in the to field. Then it places the saved message
in the outbox. It's a pending message, so it won't be sent unless
you send it. (I specified [EMAIL PROTECTED] just to give it a
valid-looking address.)

The message is parked (although it's marked with a pending message
icon instead of the usual parked P icon). I thought that was the end
of the story, but it's not.

You can then click the icon in the PARKED column to change the icon
back to a blue dot and drag the message to a folder of your choosing.
Once again TB proves that it's capable of just about anything!

Bill Blinn Technology Editor ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - 8/28/2003 at 10:46 AM
Technology Editor, Newsradio 610 WTVN, Columbus, Ohio
Using The Bat! v2.0 Beta/4 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1
Random thought: Shareware: forget the the author at home.
Featured speaker at PowerPoint Live - Tucson, Arizona
October 12-15, 2003 -

Current version is 1.62r | Using TBUDL information:

Re[3]: Filters don't work

2003-07-28 Thread Deborah W
On Monday, July 28, 2003, 7:45:08 PM, Granville Cousins wrote:

GC How can I set my filters to capture this stuff that does'nt rely on
GC the email address or the subject line being identical on each
GC mail-out.

You could use something like Popfile or Spampal, something which looks
at what's contained in the mail using a database of thousands of words,
rather than just the filters you've set up, which look for only repeats
(or close-to-repeats) of the spam you've already received.

If it's getting really bad, or if it wouldn't cause you a huge amount of
trouble, you could change your email address,  use different email
addresses for different purposes, including one disposable address
that you always use for webpages, newsgroups etc - since that's where
most spammers acquire addresses.


Current version is 1.62r | Using TBUDL information:

Re[3]: Filters are sooooo complicated

2002-10-09 Thread Richard Wakeford

Hello myob,

On Wed, 9 Oct 2002 at14:54:54[GMT +0100](which was 14:54 where I live)
you wrote:

MO Could it be your ISP automatically adding a BCC to you on every mail you
MO send? Ask them!

m IIRC, Richard, that's what CIX/Ameol does.

Yes it does but I was still getting mail in my TB inbox having sent it
from TB, that's what puzzles me, and I had no rule to put it there (I

Best regards,


Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 2

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[3]: Filters are sooooo complicated

2002-10-09 Thread Scott McNay

Hi, Richard!

Wednesday, October 9, 2002, 1:28:02 AM, you wrote:

RW Hello Thomas,

RW Ah, all my questions being gradually answered apart from why messages
RW originally went to the inbox without a CC and now don't but I will
RW amend my rules so that outgoing messages go straight to the relevant
RW folders. Thank you.

If  it's not a mailing list, then it doesn't really make sense, unless
you have (had) some kind of configuration problem where TB! thought that the
inbox folder was the Sent Mail folder.


Using The Bat! 1.61 under Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600  on an AMD Athlon XP 1900 (1.6G 
real, 1.9G effective) with 512MB.

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[3]: Filters are sooooo complicated

2002-10-08 Thread Mark Wieder


I got lost somewhere in the circular logic here, but...

The messages you send out end up in your Sent Mail folder. Are you
saying you want *another* copy sent to you? If so, then, yes, you need
to CC or BCC yourself. If you're just wanting confirmation that the
message you sent got to the destination, then you can go to the
Options menu and select Confirm Receipt or Reading Confirmation.

-Mark Wieder

 Using The Bat! v1.61 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 2

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[3]: Filters again

2002-07-22 Thread Joseph N.

   On Monday, July 22, 2002, Lynn Turriff wrote in

TM I would suggest a little different approach.  Put all your spam
TM addresses in a 'spamers' AB group, then have your filter process
TM against that AB group.  That way you don't need to modify your filter
TM each time you want to add a new spamer.  All you would need to do is
TM highlight the msg and Ctrl-W to add the new spamer to the AB Group and
TM away you go...

LT I'd rather not do this, if it can be avoided, but anyway


Tim's suggestion sounds preferable to the method you're using, which
is the same method I had tried and then abandoned. I'm interested in
why you would rather not pursue the AB approach.


Current Ver: 1.61
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Re[3]: Filters -- alphabetizing folders

2002-02-04 Thread ETM


Thank you for this.  It took out one password, but refuses to
budge on the second account.  What am I missing?


 Hello ETM,

 On Friday, February 1, 2002 at 11:41:12 PM you wrote (at least in

E Now, how do I get rid of the password dialogue box?

 Do you have set an 'Access Password' in menu 'Account' / 'Set Access

 What's set in 'Options' / 'Network  Administration...' /
 for this account? 'Administrator' or 'User'? And the other
 Should be all set to Admin and w/o (empty) 'Access Password' and you
 should be fine in accessing w/o popup ...


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Re[3]: Filters -- alphabetizing folders

2002-02-01 Thread ETM

In further reference to filtering, my cable provider has just
changed mail addresses on me.  Is there a way to combine the accounts
(old and new addresses) or at least copy the filters set up in the
old address to the new account address?



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Re[3]: Filters

2001-12-09 Thread Rudy Willis

Hash: MD5

Hello Alastair,

9  Dec 2001, 1:26:44 PM, you wrote:

 You should also activate Continue processing with other filters,
 otherwise your filtering would stop after this filter (which is at the
 top of the list :-( ). All your other filters would be rather useless
 with this one. ;-)

Doesn't that mean processing for that one message?  The next message
would start filtering again from the top, right?  Like if I move
something to another folder and that all I want to do to that message
I don't need that checked, right?  I hope so, or I'm changing a LOT of
filters today.


- --
Best regards,

Version: 2.6



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Re[3]: Filters for outgoing messages?

1999-12-23 Thread Roel

 / ~ _ \
(- O o -)
Hello Oliver,

R if you want to use windows-variables, you should use them like this:
R %windowsdir%

OS Nice   to   know  that  works  ;)  Anyway,  of  course  I  didn't  put
OS "windowsdir"  in  there, but actually "d:\winnt". I just didn't want
OS to confuse anybody ;)

I've seen stranger things being typed before... if you would have actually
typed 'windowsdir' it wouldn't have surprised me... :-)
(not implying you're stupid or so...)

explains my explanation :-)

 Der Immer Jodelende Schweizer In Lederhosen

 Professionals built the Titanic, amateurs built the ark.

 Using The Bat! 1.38e on Windows 98 4.10 build  A 
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 (   )   Oooo.  
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