Hello Maggie,

Monday, February 11, 2008, 1:29:56 PM, you wrote:


MM> On Monday, February 11, 2008 at 5:56:16 AM you wrote:

M>> For passwords, registrations codes and other 'critical' data I've been
M>> using PINs for some years. 

MM> What I would like is just to keep the great jumble of passwords
MM> and codes in one place where I can find the right one when I need
MM> it, that is why I was using a folder in TB! named passwords and
MM> registrations. When a company would send me my password and
MM> registration details by email, off to that folder it would go.
MM> Probably not a really secure way of operating, but I've come to
MM> believe that there is no secure.

I've been using KeePass http://keepass.info/ for some time now but
will be the first to admit that I still sometimes get lazy and leave
the info in a folder in The Bat! instead of transferring the pertinent
bits into the program. However, KeePass does do an excellent job and
it can be as secure as you want it to be. I keep everything from
network passwords to online shopping and banking passwords to software
keys in it. It does the job and does it well. I just make sure to back
up its database along with everything else when I run a backup.

Another option for you might be to take a look at Mailbag Assistant
http://www.fookes.com/mailbag/ . It does a great job of handling
email, whether you want to archive old messages for safe keeping,
search archived messages, or perform a powerful search on current
email. I recently "retired" an old email address that has literally
thousands of saved messages. Rather than keep those in The Bat!, I can
use Mailbag Assistant to archive them and keep them in a convenient,
searchable location while giving The Bat! a break from handling all of
those old, rarely accessed, messages.

Best regards,
 Diana                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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