Hello Listers, 

On  Fri, 29 Jun 2001, at 13:57:43 [GMT +0200] (which was 13:57 where I
live) Bernhard wrote:

BK> poco  1  (adj;pron)  (sg;gen)  little;
BK> (pequeño)  small;
BK> (escaso)  slight, scanty;

BK> I'm sorry, but "not much" is a very derogatory translation; "small"
BK> will describe the program more precise.

Spaniards  only  use the "escaso" aception of "poco". We never use the
other.  Maybe  couse  we use any of the many synonims spanish language

Examples of use of "poco"

Tengo poco dinero. - I have few money. (Literal, not ironical)
Estoy un poco nervioso. - I am a bit nervous.

In  very  few situations (en pocas situaciones), "poco" means "quite".

Maybe   pocomail   authors   wanted   to  mean "smallmail" but I think
they've  choosen  a  very  bad word. In this context, in "poco mail" I
read "a very lited email client"

Chema Berian              mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Spanish GDUTB Moderator   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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