Re: The Bat/ZoneAlarm quirks.

2002-08-22 Thread Blarp

Hi Allie,

ACM Blarp is using Tiny Personal Firewall and not ZA.

I've also tried running without TPF active at all (disabled service,
reboot) and it has no effect on TB's periodical checking. It seems to
be something internal to TB. Since it only gets reported on XP  2000,
I wonder if there's something with the permissions. I have TB
installed under my account (which has Admin rights). I wonder what it
does if installed under a different account with say Power User rights
or something?

Tom G. -- Free tech support

The Bat 1.61 - Windows 2000

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Re: The Bat/ZoneAlarm quirks.

2002-08-22 Thread Julian Beach (Lists)

On Thursday, August 22, 2002, 8:02:06 AM, Blarp wrote:

 Since it only gets reported on XP  2000,
 I wonder if there's something with the permissions. I have TB
 installed under my account (which has Admin rights). I wonder what it
 does if installed under a different account with say Power User rights
 or something?

I am running 1.61 under Win XP Pro with Power User rights, and I don't
have any problems with periodical checking.

A couple of questions come to mind with periodical checking:

1.  Are all the problems being experienced on a dialup connection?
2.  Does TB start a dialup connection to do a periodical check?
3.  Is there anything in the log file to indicate that TB attempted to
4.  In anyone experiencing problems with periodical checking with a
permanent connection (such as a network connection or DSL)?

The answers might narrow the problem down a bit.


  Using The Bat! v1.61 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 

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Re: The Bat/ZoneAlarm quirks.

2002-08-22 Thread Alexander Levenetz

Hello Julian,

 A couple of questions come to mind with periodical checking:

 4.  In anyone experiencing problems with periodical checking with a
 permanent connection (such as a network connection or DSL)?

No problem here, whichever version of ZA or TB. Running XP Pro in
a network-environment (DHCP [yes or no, doesn't matter]; Router etc).


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Re: The Bat/ZoneAlarm quirks.

2002-08-22 Thread Johnny Skaaning

Hello Julian,

JBL A couple of questions come to mind with periodical checking:

JBL 1.  Are all the problems being experienced on a dialup connection?

In my case it's always occurred with different DSL connections.

JBL 3.  Is there anything in the log file to indicate that TB attempted to
JBL connect?

Unfortunately my standard sized (20k) logs have already lost that
info. However, I can say that the connection centre which I've always
set to appear automatically stays away too when this problem is

JBL 4.  In anyone experiencing problems with periodical checking with a
JBL permanent connection (such as a network connection or DSL)?

See 1.

Johnny Skaaning
The Bat 1.61 - Windows 2000

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Re[2]: The Bat/ZoneAlarm quirks.

2002-08-22 Thread Ross West

Hi Allie,

ACM When I had the problem, a restart of TB! would *always* result in a
ACM successful mailcheck. When it stopped checking for mail, it would
ACM stop and never successfully check again until I restarted TB!.

The same thing happened to me - every time I started TB! (with ZA
running) I would get about 5 minutes worth of successful checks. Quit
and restart TB and I'd get another 5 minutes.

When you start a program ZA keeps a table of where the program is
accessing. When you quit, that table is removed. Therefore a quit +
restart would clear that table.

ACM My connection problems were later not confined to TB! but my
ACM internet connection in general. I'd be connected to my ISP but
ACM nothing would be happening. Only an OS reboot would fix this, ...
ACM all the time.

That's probably a different and bigger issue.  :-)

ACM When I installed uninstalled ZA and installed TPF, I created 2 rules
ACM for TB!. One to allow connections to the remote machine's port 25
ACM and another for remote port 110, with both connecting at a single IP
ACM (not a hostname who's IP may vary). I never had problems again.

Unfortunately with ZA you can't create specific rules like that - you
can only say the remote server(s) IP address is good. But my first
suggestion/solution that I gave is effectively the same as what you
did with TPF.

ACM The changing IP may be one factor but I doubt that it's the only
ACM one.

True. I don't have a full Windows debugger available on my email box
to be able to track down what's going on in the background otherwise.
I'm more of a unix guy (actually a networking guy) than a windows
expert.  :-)

ACM Be that as it may, I don't think ZA is to blame for the frequently
ACM reported problems with auto-mail checking.

In my case it was - I could reproduce the problem and create the test
environment so I found out what it was.  There may be (and most likely
are) other problems/bugs/issues that look and act in similar ways.

ACM Especially since a clean install of TB! fixes the problem. This
ACM seems to point to a TB! problem.

Hate to say it, but it's probably is a windows problem actually. They
(MS) have an absolutely horrid TCP/IP implementation in the OS, so I
wouldn't be surprised to find it does things in weird and unexpected


  Ross West mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: The Bat/ZoneAlarm quirks.

2002-08-21 Thread Alexandros CICOVIC

Hello Ross,

Tuesday, August 20, 2002, 7:18:11 PM, you wrote:

RW No problem.  The joys of working at an ISP, eventually it would
RW come back to haunt me as people start complaining about my load
RW balancer and how it doesn't work, when in fact it's ZA that's
RW causing the issue.

   Even  if  it  is no problem, it is very nice to see people who help
   like  this.  One  of  the reasons I stopped using ZA is that it had
   this  very  annoying  behavior with TB! I would have quit ZA anyway
   because  I  found  something  better for my needs, but you probably
   saved  a lot of people out there. What I considered strange was the
   lack  of  responses.  I  expected  this  thread  to  get  a  lot of
   responses. Not only 1 or 2...


   Have a nice time :)

Best regards,
 Alexandros Cicovic

 Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: The Bat/ZoneAlarm quirks.

2002-08-21 Thread Greg Strong

Hello Ross,

On Tue, 20 Aug 2002, at 10:27:44 GMT -0400 (8/20/02, 9:27 AM -0500 GMT
here), you wrote in [EMAIL PROTECTED]">mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:

RW Hope that helps to give people an explanation as to what's happening
RW and a solution for people in the future.

I haven't had a problem with TB  ZAP, but thanks for the info.

Best regards,

Greg Strong 
TB! v1.62/Beta1 on Windows 98  

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Re: The Bat/ZoneAlarm quirks.

2002-08-21 Thread Allie C Martin

Hash: SHA1

Greg Strong [GS] wrote:'

RW Hope that helps to give people an explanation as to what's
RW happening and a solution for people in the future.

GS I haven't had a problem with TB  ZAP, but thanks for the info.

I don't think the problem is as simple as this. Why?

When I had the problem, a restart of TB! would *always* result in a
successful mailcheck. When it stopped checking for mail, it would
stop and never successfully check again until I restarted TB!.

My connection problems were later not confined to TB! but my
internet connection in general. I'd be connected to my ISP but
nothing would be happening. Only an OS reboot would fix this, ...
all the time.

When I installed uninstalled ZA and installed TPF, I created 2 rules
for TB!. One to allow connections to the remote machine's port 25
and another for remote port 110, with both connecting at a single IP
(not a hostname who's IP may vary). I never had problems again.

The changing IP may be one factor but I doubt that it's the only

Be that as it may, I don't think ZA is to blame for the frequently
reported problems with auto-mail checking. Especially since a clean
install of TB! fixes the problem. This seems to point to a TB!

- --
Allie C Martin \  TB! v1.62/Beta1  Windows XP Pro
 List Moderator/   PGP Key -


 Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: The Bat/ZoneAlarm quirks.

2002-08-21 Thread Greg Strong

Hello Allie,

On Wed, 21 Aug 2002, at 18:34:02 GMT -0500 (8/21/02, 6:34 PM -0500 GMT
here), you wrote in [EMAIL PROTECTED]">mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:

ACM I don't think ZA is to blame for the frequently reported problems
ACM with auto-mail checking. Especially since a clean install of TB!
ACM fixes the problem. This seems to point to a TB! problem.

Are you referring to [EMAIL PROTECTED]">mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ?

Best regards,

Greg Strong 
TB! v1.62/Beta1 on Windows 98  

PGP public keys:
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=0xB1FE63FABody=Please20send20keys

 Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: The Bat/ZoneAlarm quirks.

2002-08-21 Thread Allie C Martin

Hash: SHA1

Greg Strong [GS] wrote:'

GS Are you referring to [EMAIL PROTECTED]">mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ?

Yes. This testimony is an interesting one. Not only this one, but
one person in [EMAIL PROTECTED]">mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote that
he/she wasn't using a firewall and yet had the autocheck problem.

Blarp is using Tiny Personal Firewall and not ZA. He has the
problem. Luc, also with the problem, isn't using ZA.

ZA may be known to create problems but I really doubt that it's the
culprit this time.

- --
Allie C Martin \  TB! v1.62/Beta1  Windows XP Pro
 List Moderator/   PGP Key -


 Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: The Bat/ZoneAlarm quirks.

2002-08-21 Thread Greg Strong

Hello Allie,

On Wed, 21 Aug 2002, at 20:17:58 GMT -0500 (8/21/02, 8:17 PM -0500 GMT
here), you wrote in [EMAIL PROTECTED]">mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:

ACM Blarp is using Tiny Personal Firewall and not ZA. He has the
ACM problem. Luc, also with the problem, isn't using ZA.

ACM ZA may be known to create problems but I really doubt that it's the
ACM culprit this time.


To be totally honest I've gone back to ZAP 2.6.362. This old PC doesn't
handle newer resource intensive ZAP to well. I've got the support
contract continued for another 8 months. I just download new ZAP
programs as they are upgraded. When I upgrade this old PC, I'll give
them a try.

Best regards,

Greg Strong 
TB! v1.62/Beta1 on Windows 98  

PGP public keys:
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=0xB1FE63FABody=Please20send20keys

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The Bat/ZoneAlarm quirks.

2002-08-20 Thread Ross West

Hi everyone,

Yeah, I know this has been talked about a million odd times on the
list, but no reason/solution has been posted, I thought I'd toss in my
0.02c about my problem with TB!/ZA:

(My) Issue: The Bat! will start checking mail on startup, but after a
while it will stopped by ZoneAlarm. Shutting down ZoneAlarm
will allow The Bat! to function normally, but without
protection for the computer.

As I work at an ISP, and everything was working fine with ZA and TB,
until we made some network changes, and suddenly this problem pops up.
So I'm lucky enough to have the environment and tools on hand to do
some serious debugging on the problem.  :-)

Anyways, onto my problem:

The problem started when we switched our mail server from a single
external IP address to multiple IP addresses as we installed dual load
balancers and use DNS round robin to balance between them (which then
in turn balance to the mail server farm).

So how does this affect TB! + ZA? Well, TB will make a request to the
pop server ( to pickup mail on startup. Everything works and
all is cool. And TB! will continue to make requests to the pop server,
except suddenly something changes - the IP address of the pop server.

After a few minutes the DNS caching of the pop server's entry (ie: - x.y.z.10) on the local computer runs out, the computer
makes a DNS request and receives a reply.  With DNS round robin, the
IP address might be the same as before - in which everything still
works, but if it changes, the locking situation shows up.

The real problem is that TB! references the mail server by name (this
is a good thing) but it looks like ZA keeps more detailed info about
the connection that it doesn't like being changed for security

ZA will track that TB! opened a connection to which is
x.y.z.10 - and as long as TB! is open, that mapping has to stay that
way. If the IP address changes (for whatever reason - be it DNS or
more nefarious reasons), then it might be a possible man in the
middle attack and ZA locks out access to the mail application.  The
annoying part is that ZA doesn't like to give warning messages to
users - part of the user friendliness experience I guess.


 1) Add all your mail server IP addresses to your Local Zone in ZA.
(Hence they become safe in the eyes of ZA.)


 2) And an entry to your HOSTS file with a name to a single IP
address.  This will override the DNS queries for the host name
and always return that 1 IP address.


 3) Instead of an name for your mail server, put an IP address.

From the perspective of an ISP - #1 is the best solution!

Hope that helps to give people an explanation as to what's happening
and a solution for people in the future.


  Ross West mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: The Bat/ZoneAlarm quirks.

2002-08-20 Thread Gerard

ON Tuesday, August 20, 2002, 4:27:44 PM, you wrote:

RW Hi everyone,

 snipped some very good research

RW Hope that helps to give people an explanation as to what's happening
RW and a solution for people in the future.

RW Cheers,
RW   Ross

Hi Ross,

Although I never had this problem I would like to say thank you for
finding the culprit AND providing several workable alternatives.
Great work.

Best regards,
The most efficient labor-saving device is still money. -- Franklin P.

 Using The Bat! v1.61 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 3

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Re[2]: The Bat/ZoneAlarm quirks.

2002-08-20 Thread Ross West

Hi Gerard,

  On August 20, 2002, you wrote:

RW Hope that helps to give people an explanation as to what's happening
RW and a solution for people in the future.

G Although I never had this problem I would like to say thank you for
G finding the culprit AND providing several workable alternatives.
G Great work.

No problem.  The joys of working at an ISP, eventually it would come
back to haunt me as people start complaining about my load balancer
and how it doesn't work, when in fact it's ZA that's causing the
issue.  Good to know what ZA is looking for.  This also explains a few
other oddities that I had been seeing when running ZA.

Now if I can only get all the people to switch to TB! instead of using
Outlook.  :-)

Fun stat: 700+ megs (~15,000 msgs) of email on the pop server - TB!
was the only client to download it all successfully in one go.

Another fun stat: Largest single email received through TB!: 95 megs.
Try that with Outlook. :-)


  Ross West mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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