Re: unread mail icon

2002-10-30 Thread Simon
Hash: SHA1

'Lo Keith,

On  Wed, 30 Oct 2002 15:49:50 + your time, you authored this:

KA> It is a bit early in the day for me to be splitting hairs, but ITYM
KA> each image not the series :)

 Yes, indeed :)

KA> I'm  saddened  to  read  this. It sounds as if you'd rather the bat just
KA> stayed frozen all the time. Bats are protected in the UK you know. I bet
KA> there'll be a flood of messages to TBUDL in defence of the flapping bat.

Yes,  that  was  a  lack of Bat tact wasn't it. I'll most definitely offer a
retraction when or if the time comes, just to stop the bloodshed - the blood
being mine of course ;)

- --

 Simon @

Faffing about with TB! v1.61 on W2K SP3

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Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: unread mail icon

2002-10-30 Thread Keith Anderson

On 30 October 2002 at 13:45:14
in mid:1791977718.20021030134514@;
Simon wrote:


S> Yes, you are correct, the series of images that produce the
S> animation are replaced by a single image

It is a bit early in the day for me to be splitting hairs, but ITYM
each image not the series :)

S> , so yes, you effectively get a non-animated animation ;)

S> As to the flickering, yes, you can see a *very slight* flicker if
S> you stare at the envelope in the tray and watch it cycle through
S> the images, but it is barely noticeable, well I should say it is
S> barely noticeable to me on my machine. Maybe it would be a little
S> more noticeable on others' PCs, I can't say.

Currently I need a lot of real estate, so my display is running
1280x1024 (70 Hz), which is pushing it a bit.


S> Personally, I don't mind the only-just-detectable flicker myself as
S> it isn't even remotely as irritating to me as the bat flapping its
S> wings all of the time :)

I'm saddened to read this. It sounds as if you'd rather the bat just
stayed frozen all the time. Bats are protected in the UK you know. I
bet there'll be a flood of messages to TBUDL in defence of the
flapping bat.


Keith Anderson
The Bat! v1.61 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 3

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: unread mail icon

2002-10-30 Thread Simon
Hash: SHA1

'Lo Keith,

On  Wed, 30 Oct 2002 10:20:06 + your time, you authored this:

KA> The  unread  mail icon would remain animated, but show the same icon for
KA> each frame of the animation.
KA> ...obviously  wouldn't  know  each  frame  is  the  same,  so the static
KA> animation would flicker somewhat...

Yes,  you  are  correct, the series of images that produce the animation are
replaced  by  a  single  image,  so  yes, you effectively get a non-animated
animation ;)

As  to the flickering, yes, you can see a *very slight* flicker if you stare
at the envelope in the tray and watch it cycle through the images, but it is
barely  noticeable,  well  I  should say it is barely noticeable to me on my
machine.  Maybe it would be a little more noticeable on others' PCs, I can't

What  I would say, if you have the time (probably about 10 - 15 minutes), is
try the mod and see. If the flicker is noticeable on your PC and you find it
irritating just drop your original, unmodified, thebat.exe back into your TB!
folder and all will be back the way it was.

Personally, I don't mind the only-just-detectable flicker myself as it isn't
even  remotely  as irritating to me as the bat flapping its wings all of the
time :)

- --

 Simon @

Faffing about with TB! v1.61 on W2K SP3

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Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: unread mail icon

2002-10-30 Thread Keith Anderson
On 29 October 2002 at 15:15:39, you wrote:


S> 'Lo Keith,

Hi Simon


KA>> If there are no suitable alternative solutions

[ regarding static unread mail icon ]

S> Yes, there is a way of doing it, although I don't know whether you
S> will consider it a suitable alternative. It involves using a
S> resource editor and an icon editor to modify TB!s resources.
S> Nonetheless, the process is a quite a simple one, and involves
S> assigning your own icon resource to the existing animation
S> resources in TB!.


Thank you for the very detailed instructions. I know it takes time to
put together a post like that.


S> This is how you would change the animated bat to something
S> 'appearing as static' in Resource Hacker:

If I understand the gist, you are explaining how one might replace
each of the icons used in displaying the animated unread mail icon
(the flying bat) with the same icon. The unread mail icon would remain
animated, but show the same icon for each frame of the animation.

There are a couple of drawbacks to this approach, one of which is that
TB! obviously wouldn't know each frame is the same, so the static
animation would flicker somewhat. At least it would on my box, because
windows task manager minimised to the tray does (which might be a

Keith Anderson
The Bat! v1.61 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 3

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: unread mail icon

2002-10-29 Thread Simon
Hash: SHA1

'Lo Keith,

On  Fri, 25 Oct 2002 16:53:26 +0100 your time, you authored this:

KA> If there are no suitable alternative solutions

Yes,  there  is  a  way  of doing it, although I don't know whether you will
consider  it a suitable alternative. It involves using a resource editor and
an icon editor to modify TB!s resources. Nonetheless, the process is a quite
a  simple one, and involves assigning your own icon resource to the existing
animation resources in TB!.

If  you  don't  have a resource editor (like eXeScope or Restorator), then a
freeware  app called Resource Hacker will do the job nicely. Any modest icon
editor will do as well. You can get the free Resource Hacker from here:

These snaps are the TB! tray icon without mail and with mail after modding
with Resource Hacker.. the envelope icon is taken from a TB! icon resource:

This  is  how  you  would change the animated bat to something 'appearing as
static' in Resource Hacker:

Step 1.

1. Make a copy of thebat.exe

2. Open Resource Hacker and open thebat.exe

3. Expand the folder "Icon Group" in the resource tree

4. Select the subfolder "ICON_VIEWER" and expand it

5i. Select and right-click the resource "1049"...

5ii. ...choose the third context menu entry, "Save [ICON GROUP:ICON_VIEWER :
1049]..." and save it to disk as "ICON_VIEWER.ico"

Step 2.

6.  Open  the save file ICON_VIEWER.ico in an icon editor and add a copy the
16  colour  16x16 icon. Add a 256 colour 16x16 icon to the icon resource and
paste the 16 colour 16x16 icon into it.

7. Save and exit.

Step 3.

8. In Resource Hacker, under the 'Action' menu, choose "Replace Icon.."

9. In the new window, choose the "Open file with new icon" button and browse
to and select your modifed icon resource ICON_VIEWER.ico

10. In the right-hand pane of the window, under the 'Select icon to replace"
list, select "Z_BAT_0"

11. Click the 'Replace' button.

12. Repeat 8-11 for icons Z_BAT_1, Z_BAT_2, Z_BAT_3, Z_BAT_4, Z_BAT_5
13. Save and Exit

Now when you load TB! you will have an envelope icon in the tray rather than
the animated bat when you have unread mail.

- --

 Simon @

Faffing about with TB! v1.61 on W2K SP3

PGP Key:

Comment: Privacy is freedom. Protect your privacy with PGP!
Comment: KeyID: 0x5C7E8966
Comment: Fingerprint: 851C F927 0296 FF1C 70A2  474F CB6E 6FFE 5C7E 8966


Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: unread mail icon

2002-10-25 Thread Ricardo M. Reyes
KA> I previously expressed an interest in learning how to configure TB! so
KA> the icon it shows when I have unread mail is not animated but does
KA> differ from that shown when I have no unread mail. Unless I've missed
KA> something in the replies and other information I have consulted, there
KA> is no way to do this.

I use a little program that shows an envelope icon in the tray notif.
area (screen-captured from Outlook's ;) ) and launch it with a filter
that caches every incoming mail. When I double-click the icon, it
makes TB show up and dissapears from the TNA. That way it behaves like
Outlook, which is the way I like.

The only difference with Outlook is that the icon doesn't dissapear
when I read a message. It can be implemented with Read filters, but it
has the inconvenience that you need to set a filter for each folder,
because of a shortcoming in TB!. And I have a lot of folders, so it
isn't practical for me.

The program is 200kb, so if you want it, I can send it by private

Ricardo M. Reyes | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 | (Mar del Plata - Argentina)
 | Usando The Bat! 1.60c

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

unread mail icon

2002-10-25 Thread Keith Anderson

I previously expressed an interest in learning how to configure TB! so
the icon it shows when I have unread mail is not animated but does
differ from that shown when I have no unread mail. Unless I've missed
something in the replies and other information I have consulted, there
is no way to do this.

Options | Preferences | General | Icon animation when unread messages
are detected
seems to freeze the bat in mid-flap (if it's flying) and inhibit the
icon from indicating whether I have unread mail.

I'd be interested in alternative solutions, but the best one I can
think of - except it's not implemented :) - is to have the option to
set the icon to (say) one of the current animated icons when I have
unread mail. I don't think hiding the taskbar/tray or using sounds or
using the mail ticker (tm) will be satisfactory for me but I could be

If there are no suitable alternative solutions, I'm considering
raising this as a wish/bug and would appreciate any advice.


Keith Anderson
The Bat! v1.61 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 3

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information: