Using Tcl::pTk I am trying to implement Drag&Drop on macOS without success.
According to its documentation, Tcl::pTk should support it. This is what I
am trying now (slightly adapted from my version for Windows and Perl/Tk):

$MyWidget->DropSite(-dropcommand => [\&accept_drop, $tap], -droptypes =>
(['Local', 'tkdnd']));

sub accept_drop {
    my ($tab) = @_;
    my $filePath;
     eval {
if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
$filePath = $tab->SelectionGet(-selection => $selection,
else {
$filePath = $tab->SelectionGet(-selection => $selection,
#DO THINGS with $filePath

I have downloaded a binary of tkdnd (libtkdnd2.8.dylib). How do I let
Tcl::pTk know of this library? Or there is any way to implement it without
adding new libraries (I am using the Tcl shipped with macOS).


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