Re: [tcpdump-workers] libpcap detection and linking in tcpdump

2021-01-07 Thread Bill Fenner via tcpdump-workers
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On Wed, Sep 9, 2020 at 12:08 PM Denis Ovsienko via tcpdump-workers <> wrote:

> Travis CI tcpdump builds have been failing for a while and I went to
> see why. It is easy to see that only the jobs that have
> "BUILD_LIBPCAP=yes CMAKE=yes" fail

These jobs are still failing, but now for a different reason.  The build
succeeds, but the tests fail - the tests that require the new libpcap.
However, if you augment TESTrun to print the version, it says
1.11.0-PRE-GIT but the tests that need the new libpcap still fail.  I can
not find anything that changes LD_LIBRARY_PATH, or anything, but shortly
after running

print "Running tests from ${testsdir}\n";

print "using ${TCPDUMP}\n";

system "${TCPDUMP} --version";

we run

$r = system "$TCPDUMP -# -n -r $input $options >tests/NEW/${outputbase}

and that uses the wrong libpcap.

I am at loose ends as to how to debug further - a sample log from my
attempt to see what's going on is - the diffs in that run
are very simple (and the env. variable one is probably
incorrect/unnecessary) -

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tcpdump-workers mailing list

Re: [tcpdump-workers] libpcap detection and linking in tcpdump

2021-01-07 Thread Francois-Xavier Le Bail via tcpdump-workers
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On 07/01/2021 18:35, Bill Fenner via tcpdump-workers wrote:
> These jobs are still failing, but now for a different reason.  The build
> succeeds, but the tests fail - the tests that require the new libpcap.
> However, if you augment TESTrun to print the version, it says
> 1.11.0-PRE-GIT but the tests that need the new libpcap still fail.

My hypothesis is that, with the cmake build, for some reason, tcpdump linked to 
the 1.11.0-PRE-GIT
local library was built with include files for the system libpcap not the local 
libpcap ones, thus
DLT_DSA_TAG_BRCM and some other macros (which exist only in the new libpcap) 
are undefined (hence
the UNSUPPORTED outputs). '-I' configuration problem?

(The autoconf build add in the Makefile: INCLS = -I. -I../libpcap)

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tcpdump-workers mailing list

Re: [tcpdump-workers] libpcap detection and linking in tcpdump

2021-01-07 Thread Guy Harris via tcpdump-workers
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On Jan 7, 2021, at 9:35 AM, Bill Fenner via tcpdump-workers 

> These jobs are still failing, but now for a different reason.

Part of the problem is that pkg-config wasn't finding the locally-installed 
libpcap under /tmp, because PKG_CONFIG_PATH wasn't set to point to 

We're now doing that, and I re-enabled those jobs; so far, the GCC builds on 
Linux seem to be working for BUILD_LIBPCAP=yes CMAKE=yes.--- End Message ---
tcpdump-workers mailing list

Re: [tcpdump-workers] libpcap detection and linking in tcpdump

2021-01-07 Thread Guy Harris via tcpdump-workers
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On Sep 9, 2020, at 9:07 AM, Denis Ovsienko via tcpdump-workers 

> The "Found pcap-config" message means that FindPCAP.cmake has not found
> libpcap by means of pkg-config, and the lack of the message means the
> pkg-config method worked. A few weeks ago Ubuntu 18.04 systems started
> to have the libpcap.pc file in the libpcap0.8-dev package, so on such a
> system "pkg-config --libs libpcap" now prints "-lpcap" and "pkg-config
> --cflags libpcap" prints an empty string, which makes sense.

It makes sense if you want to build with the *system* libpcap.

It does *not* make sense if you want to build with the libpcap that was built, 
and installed under /tmp, in the Travis build.  For *that*, you'd want 
"pkg-config --libs libpcap" to print "-L/tmp/lib -lpcap" and you'd want 
pkg-config --cflags libpcap" to print "-I /tmp/include".

That's because it's finding the libpcap.pc file in the libpcap0.8-dev package, 
not the one in /tmp/lib/pkgconfig; the latter one should do what we want.

I changed .travis.yml to run CMake with PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/tmp/lib/pkgconfig, 
which appears to make it find the right .pc file and thus to find the right 

> What does not make sense is that CMake seems to use non-pkg-config
> flags to tell if a specific feature is available,

It *should* be using the pkg-config flags - the code that tests for features 
just does

# libpcap/WinPcap/Npcap.
# First, find it.
find_package(PCAP REQUIRED)


# Now check headers.

# Check whether we have pcap/pcap-inttypes.h.
# If we do, we use that to get the C99 types defined.
check_include_file(pcap/pcap-inttypes.h HAVE_PCAP_PCAP_INTTYPES_H)

# Check for various functions in libpcap/WinPcap/Npcap.

# Check for "pcap_list_datalinks()" and use a substitute version if
# it's not present.  If it is present, check for 
# if it's not present, we don't replace it for now.  (We could do so
# on UN*X, but not on Windows, where hilarity ensues if a program
# built with one version of the MSVC support library tries to free
# something allocated by a library built with another version of
# the MSVC support library.)
check_function_exists(pcap_list_datalinks HAVE_PCAP_LIST_DATALINKS)



which doesn't care whether PCAP_INCLUDE_DIRS and PCAP_LIBRARIES were set from 
pkg-config or pcap-config or manually poking the system.

> but uses pkg-config
> flags to compile and link the source,

*However*, the CMake documentation says about CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH:

Semicolon-separated list of directories specifying installation 
prefixes to be searched by the find_package(), find_program(), find_library(), 
find_file(), and find_path() commands.

and we're setting CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH, so if any of the include or library checks 
use CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH, then they might find headers for the libpcap installed 
in /tmp/libpcap, even though the build itself will use flags from the system 

The CMake 3.19 documentation for FindPkgConfig, which is the module for using 


Specifies whether pkg_check_modules() and pkg_search_module() 
should add the paths in the CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH, CMAKE_FRAMEWORK_PATH and 
CMAKE_APPBUNDLE_PATH cache and environment variables to thepkg-config search 

If this variable is not set, this behavior is enabled by 
default if CMAKE_MINIMUM_REQUIRED_VERSION is 3.1 or later, disabled otherwise.

So we should either 1) require CMake 3.1 or later or 2) forcibly set 
PKG_CONFIG_USE_CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH to YES.  For now, my inclination is to do the 

Once all the other stuff I've checked in passes Travis, I'll try that instead 
of explicitly setting PKG_CONFIG_PATH. and see if that works.

> and when the system has one
> libpcap version installed as a package and another version that the
> user wants to build with, that very easily breaks (and even if it does
> not, the end result is not what the user was expecting).
> Here are my steps to reproduce:
> libpcap$ ./configure --enable-remote --prefix=/tmp/libpcap
> libpcap$ make
> libpcap$ make install
> tcpdumpbuild$ cmake -DWITH_CRYPTO="yes"
> -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/tmp/libpcap -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/tmp/libpcap
> /path/to/tcpdump_git_clone

Try that with

PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/tmp/libpcap/lib/pkgconfig cmake -DWITH_CRYPTO="yes" 
-DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/tmp/libpcap -DC

Re: [tcpdump-workers] libpcap detection and linking in tcpdump

2021-01-07 Thread Guy Harris via tcpdump-workers
--- Begin Message ---
On Jan 7, 2021, at 3:21 PM, Guy Harris via tcpdump-workers 

> So we should either 1) require CMake 3.1 or later or 2) forcibly set 
> PKG_CONFIG_USE_CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH to YES.  For now, my inclination is to do 
> the latter.

That won't work - PKG_CONFIG_USE_CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH *isn't supported* prior to 

3.1 dates back to 2015.  That might be sufficient to treat as a minimum.--- End Message ---
tcpdump-workers mailing list

Re: [tcpdump-workers] libpcap detection and linking in tcpdump

2021-01-07 Thread Denis Ovsienko via tcpdump-workers
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On Thu, 7 Jan 2021 16:46:41 -0800
Guy Harris  wrote:

> 3.1 dates back to 2015.  That might be sufficient to treat as a
> minimum.

5 years of backward compatibility might be OK'ish, although from time
to time I run into such "long-term support" systems that in practice
mean someone keeps paying good money for "support" for 5-10 years, but
they don't get bugs fixed or new software versions backported. In my
own experience this tends to have something to do with RedHat Linux

Regarding the solution you consider, I have not tried the fixes from
your previous message yet and I do not understand every facet of the
problem. Have you considered to declare somewhere that certain ways of
building work only in this and this particular basic manner? And/or to
disable some smart ways of libpcap detection automatically if cmake is
too old, instead of failing the build outright?

Denis Ovsienko
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