2010-02-22 Thread Akis Angelakis

(Assertiveness Training)

S\bbato 27 Vebqouaq_ou, ?qer 17:45  21:00

Ap| tg fy^ dem pa_qmoule |,ti an_foule akk\ |,ti diejdijo}le!

O "jgr Accek\jgr paqousi\fei lia spouda_a epist^loma jai j\mei s}mtolg
eisacyc^ stgm +t]wmg; tou ma lpoqo}le ma diejdijo}le jai ma pa_qmoule |ka
|sa lar an_foum stg fy^, stg doukei\ jai stir sw]seir.

Diejdijgtij|tgta omol\foule tgm ijam|tgta tou at|lou ma lpoqe_ ma
ejvq\fei tir apait^seir tou jah~r jai tgm ijam|tgt\ tou ma tir

To diejdijgtij| \tolo elpiste}etai tom eaut| tou |ti lpoqe_ ma ejvq\sei
tir epihul_er tour jai mi~hei |ti ]wei tir ijam|tgter cia ma tir

Eisgc^tqia : AMASTASIA SOVIAMOPOUKOU, Jkimij^ Xuwok|cor  Xuwoheqape}tqia

H Amastas_a Soviamopo}kou e_mai ap|voitor tou Pqocq\llator Xuwokoc_ar tgr
Vikosovij^r Swok^r tou Pamepistgl_ou Ahgm~m, jai tou Letaptuwiajo}
Pqocq\llator Eid_jeusgr stgm Jkimij^ Xuwokoc_a tou id_ou Tl^lator. Ap|
tom Ojt~bqio 2008 e_mai upox^via Did\jtyq Jkimij^r Xuwokoc_ar sto
Pamepist^lio Ahgm~m. Ejpaide}tgje sto Imstito}to 8qeumar jai Heqape_ar
tgr Sulpeqivoq\r yr Xuwoheqape}tqia cmysiaj^r/ sulpeqivoqistij^r
jate}humsgr. 8wei did\nei se vqomtistgqiaj\ lah^lata jai selim\qia tou
Pqocq\llator Xuwokoc_ar, jai ]wei sullet\swei le pqovoqij]r jai
amaqtgl]mer amajoim~seir se Pamekk^mia jai Euqypazj\ Sum]dqia. 8wei
sumeqcaste_ stgm pqosaqloc^ sta ekkgmij\ heqapeutij~m ecweiqid_ym sto
w~qo tgr cmysiaj^r-sulpeqivoqistij^r heqape_ar, jah~r jai stg succqav^
\qhqym jai epistglomij~m jevaka_ym se ekkgmij\ jai nem|ckyssa bibk_a. Ap|
to 2008 sumeqc\fetai le to Imstito}to 8qeumar jai Heqape_ar tgr
Sulpeqivoq\r se ejpaideutij\ jai eqeumgtij\ h]lata, em~ ap| tom Iamou\qio
2010 e_mai epistglomij^ sumeqc\tida tou Tl^lator Heqapei~m Paidi~m jai
Ev^bym tou IEHS. Paq\kkgka eqc\fetai idiytij\ yr Jkimij^ Xuwok|cor 

St|wor tou selimaq_ou : Ma jatamo^sete e}joka jai biylatij\ le poiour
tq|pour lpoqe_te ma aun^sete tgm autopepo_hgs^ sar ~ste ma +oqh~mete;
paq\stgla jai ma lpoqe_te ma diejdije_te le ^qelo jai apovasistij| tq|po
|ka |sa piste}ete |ti sar an_foum stgm pqosypij^ jai eqcasiaj^ sar fy^.

Se poio}r apeuh}metai: To selim\qio e_mai eidij\ swediasl]mo cia \tola
pou h]koum ma dumal~soum apotekeslatij\ to dija_yla ma fgto}m jai ma
pa_qmoum, wyq_r ma ]qwomtai se sucjqo}seir le tour \kkour amhq~pour.
Paq\kkgka, ma bogh^sei ma apojt^sete aj|la jak}teqer deni|tgter se h]lata
diapqosypij^r sulpeqivoq\r jai epijoimym_ar.

Emdeijtij^ Helatokoc_a: To selim\qio e_mai pko}sio se ukij| se apk^ jai
jatamogt^ ck~ssa, ap| tewmij]r pou aun\moum tgm autopepo_hgsg jai sar
laha_moum ma diejdije_te le epituw_a, l]sa ap| biylatij]r asj^seir.

  * L]sa ap| apk^, jatamogt^ jai biylatij^ xuwo-ejpa_deusg jai asj^seir,
ha c_mete cm~ster |kym tym diavoqetij~m loqv~m epijoimym_ar.

  * P~r ma lpoqe_te ma epik]cete tgm pio jat\kkgkg cia tgm j\he

  * Poier e_mai oi pio apotekeslatij]r tewmij]r jai pqajtij]r evaqloc]r
tgr diejdijgtij^r sulpeqivoq\r.

  * P~r ma diaweiq_feste ta sumaish^lat\ sar |tam bq_sjeste se
jatast\seir pou pqojako}m p_esg, algwam_a, abebai|tgta jai ejmeuqisl|
le ap~teqo st|wo tgm a}ngsg tgr autopepo_hgsgr sar jai tg bekt_ysg
tou tq|pou pou epijoimyme_te, diapqaclate}este jai ejvq\fete tir
epihul_er jai epidi~neir sar.

Til^ sulletow^r 110 - G til^ sulletow^r sulpeqikalb\mei sglei~seir jai
Beba_ysg Paqajoko}hgsgr.

Tgk]vyma sulletow~m 210-2512988 & 210-2584880


Am dem epihule_te ma kalb\mete tgm paqap\my akkgkocqav_a, paqajako}le
pat^ste ed~

Re: ksh file completion bug

2010-02-22 Thread Vadim Zhukov
On 23 February 2010 c. 00:50:39 LEVAI Daniel wrote:
> Hi!
> With ksh's Vi edit mode I've experienced the following:
> If a file's size is exactly 2GiB or more, pdksh fails to complete its
> name during filename completion (eg.: hitting TAB or CTRL+e or
> whatever). If the file's size is just one byte short of the 2 gigs,
> then the completion works fine.
> Quick way to test it:
> $ dd if=/dev/zero of=./2GiB bs=1024 count=2097152
> $ ls -la 2G ... => nothing

No such problem seen so far. Even after recompiling ksh from -CURRENT.
(but seen another one - about TAB _after_ exiting vi mode, will
investigate it later...)

  Best wishes,
Vadim Zhukov

A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
A: Top-posting.
Q: What is the most annoying thing in e-mail?

Re: ksh file completion bug

2010-02-22 Thread Vivien MOREAU
> Quick way to test it:
> $ dd if=/dev/zero of=./2GiB bs=1024 count=2097152
> $ ls -la 2G ... => nothing

I don't have any problem with this test under current, i386.

Vivien MOREAU / vpm 

Re: ksh file completion bug

2010-02-22 Thread Paul de Weerd
On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 10:50:39PM +0100, LEVAI Daniel wrote:
| Hi!
| With ksh's Vi edit mode I've experienced the following:
| If a file's size is exactly 2GiB or more, pdksh fails to complete its name
| during filename completion (eg.: hitting TAB or CTRL+e or whatever).
| If the file's size is just one byte short of the 2 gigs, then the completion
| works fine.
| Quick way to test it:
| $ dd if=/dev/zero of=./2GiB bs=1024 count=2097152
| $ ls -la 2G ... => nothing
| Daniel
| ps.: this is under -current and i386

That's some weird shit you've got going there...

$ dd if=/dev/zero of=2gigabyte bs=2048 count=1 seek=1048575
$ echo 2g -> immediately completes to 2gigabyte.
$ echo $VISUAL
$ echo $SHELL
@(#)PD KSH v5.2.14 99/07/13.2
$ sysctl kern.version
kern.version=OpenBSD 4.7-beta (GENERIC.MP) #86: Wed Feb 10 07:17:52 MST 2010

Tried it on an (admittedly older) i386 and sparc64 machine and got the
same. Also tried it with a non-sparse file (seek= creates sparse
files when you're writing past the end of the file) and it still

So .. uhm .. works for me [TM]

Paul 'WEiRD' de Weerd


ksh file completion bug

2010-02-22 Thread LEVAI Daniel

With ksh's Vi edit mode I've experienced the following:
If a file's size is exactly 2GiB or more, pdksh fails to complete its name
during filename completion (eg.: hitting TAB or CTRL+e or whatever).
If the file's size is just one byte short of the 2 gigs, then the completion
works fine.

Quick way to test it:
$ dd if=/dev/zero of=./2GiB bs=1024 count=2097152
$ ls -la 2G ... => nothing


ps.: this is under -current and i386

LIVAI Daniel
PGP key ID = 0x4AC0A4B1
Key fingerprint = D037 03B9 C12D D338 4412  2D83 1373 917A 4AC0 A4B1

Re: Possible issue with srand or rand in base?

2010-02-22 Thread Jonathan Thornburg
In ,
Janne Johansson  wrote
[[about rand(3)]]
> The weird part of this (I think) for us outside viewers is that rand()
> has been known to be really poor at random for a long time. Not "a few
> years", but like 20+ years and more.

Much more: its flaws (including the low-order K bits being periodic
with a period which is <= 2^K) were already documented in Knuth volume 2's
1st edition, whose copyright date was 1969.

-- "Jonathan Thornburg [remove -animal to reply]" 

   Dept of Astronomy, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, USA
   "C++ is to programming as sex is to reproduction. Better ways might
technically exist but they're not nearly as much fun." -- Nikolai Irgens

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2010-02-22 Thread carlicbufriends
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Re: sysconf(3) man page diff

2010-02-22 Thread Jason McIntyre
On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 06:38:32PM +0100, Tim van der Molen wrote:
> Correct function names for _SC_GETPW_R_SIZE_MAX.
> Regards,
> Tim

fixed, thanks.

> Index: sysconf.3
> ===
> RCS file: /cvs/src/lib/libc/gen/sysconf.3,v
> retrieving revision 1.26
> diff -u sysconf.3
> --- sysconf.3 15 Jan 2010 08:35:47 -  1.26
> +++ sysconf.3 22 Feb 2010 17:30:41 -
> @@ -160,9 +160,9 @@
>  functions.
>  The maximum size of the data buffer for the
> -.Fn getgrgid_r
> +.Fn getpwnam_r
>  and
> -.Fn getgrnam_r
> +.Fn getpwuid_r
>  functions.
>  The maximum length of a login name.

sysconf(3) man page diff

2010-02-22 Thread Tim van der Molen
Correct function names for _SC_GETPW_R_SIZE_MAX.


Index: sysconf.3
RCS file: /cvs/src/lib/libc/gen/sysconf.3,v
retrieving revision 1.26
diff -u sysconf.3
--- sysconf.3   15 Jan 2010 08:35:47 -  1.26
+++ sysconf.3   22 Feb 2010 17:30:41 -
@@ -160,9 +160,9 @@
 The maximum size of the data buffer for the
-.Fn getgrgid_r
+.Fn getpwnam_r
-.Fn getgrnam_r
+.Fn getpwuid_r
 The maximum length of a login name.

Лишний вес-не проблема.

2010-02-22 Thread Виктория
J`fd{i hg m`q hleer qbni qnaqrbemm{i bgckd m` beq h rekn. Dk mejnrnp{u qknbn 
"onkm{i" - qhmnmhl qhk{ h ak`cnonkswh. Dk dpschu "onkm{i" ngm`w`er nrqsrqrbhe 
jnmrpnk m`d qnani, ophb{wjs j q`lnnop`bd`mh~ h aeqonlnymne p`gbedemhe psj`lh. 
Dk rper|hu "onkm{i" - }rn oknune m`qrpnemhe h rnqj`. Dk werbepr{u }rn qknbn 
bnnaye mhwecn me gm`whr - wel fe oknu khxmhi beq? 
Rel me lemee qecndm l{ hqo{r{b`el jnknqq`k|mne d`bkemhe qn qrnpnm{ nayeqrb` - 
lmemh dpschu k~dei, opeqq{, pejk`l{, lnd{, - jnrnpne g`qr`bker m`q qrpelhr|q 
j qrpnimnqrh. Ank|xhmqrbn k~dei - j`j ledhjnb, r`j h meqoevh`khqrnb - onk`c`er, 
wrn khxmhi beq - opnakel` jnqlerhweqj` (opnakel` bmexmecn bhd`), ` me 
ledhvhmqj`. H khx| nrmnqhrek|mn med`bmn onbhkhq| rnwm{e m`swm{e d`mm{e, 
qbhderek|qrbs~yhe n rnl, wrn khxmhi beq me r`j aegnahdem, j`j j`ferq. 
B wel fe phqj khxmecn beq` dk gdnpnb|? 
Onb{xemmne jpnbmne d`bkemhe (choeprnmh) bqrpew`erq s onkm{u k~dei b 3 p`g` 
w`ye, wel s usd{u. 
@repnqjkepng (` gm`whr, h ankegmh qepdv`) s lnknd{u k~dei q khxmhl beqnl 
p`gbhb`erq b 2 p`g` w`ye, wel s k~dei q mnpl`k|m{l beqnl. 
Bepnrmnqr| p`gbhrh q`u`pmncn dh`aer` s slepemmn onkm{u bngp`qr`er bn lmncn 
Khxmhi beq - }rn m`cpsgj` m` qsqr`b{, bem{, kecjhe. B{ }rncn onj` me g`lew`kh? 
H }rn d`kejn me beq| oepewem| medscnb, j jnrnp{l ophbndhr hga{rnwm{i beq. Eqkh 
fe s B`q sfe eqr| choeprnmh, q`u`pm{i dh`aer hkh B{ jsphre, rn phqj dk 
Melevjhi swem{i-dhernknc h `brnp m`xslebxhu aeqrqekkepnb Sdn Onkklep qwhr`er, 
wrn r`j m`g{b`el` +anp|a` q hgkhxmhl beqnl;  opnqwhr`mm{i hqrnwmhj, dnund` 
dk nrp`qkh dhernknchh h gdp`bnnup`memh. Dhernknc onqnbernb`k nqrepec`r|q 
opndsjrnb, hg jnrnp{u a{kn hgbkewemn jna{ mewrn no`qmne dk rncn, wrna{ 
dna`bhr| rsd` mewrn wpegb{w`imn onkegmne.
+Onqlnrphre, ophg{b`~r m`q, b{ rnkqr{e, spndkhb{e h ank|m{e. Oph onlnyh m`xei 
opndsjvhh, }jqjk~ghbm{u qnbernb h sqksc b{ bqe qmnb` qr`mere jp`qhb{lh, 
lnknd{lh h qrpnim{lh. ]rhl rp~j`l sfe me ndmn qrnkerhe;.
Wel b{xe d`bkemhe m` onkm{u k~dei, qwhr`er Onkklep, rel rnkye nmh qr`mnbrq, 
onqjnk|js qrpeqq h oknune m`qrpnemhe ophbndr j rnls, wrn nmh ub`r`~rq g` eds 
j`j g` qo`q`rek|m{i jpsc.
Bnr jmhc` jnrnp` asder hmrepeqm` femyhm`l, jnrnp{e unrr unpnxn b{ckder| h 
a{r| jp`qhb{lh. 
B jmhce opedqr`bkem{ me rnk|jn vemm` hmtnpl`vh n rnl, j`j onusder| h a{r| 
jp`qhbni, mn h lmncn hqrnphi, p`qqj`gnb h p`gl{xkemhi. 
M` qrp`mhv`u jmhch p`qql`rphb`~rq bnopnq{ oqhunknchh ohr`mh, khxmecn beq`, 
jp`qnr{. Hqrnphh sqoeunb bdnumnbr h m`ckdmn opndelnmqrphps~r, wrn 
ong`anrhr|q n qbnel reke lnfmn, me ophaec` j r`akerj`l, dher`l h opnwhl 
q`lnhqrg`mhl. G`hmrepeqnb`kn?? Ohxel lme ohq|ln (viktoriya...@mail.ru)  
,b{xk~ `puhb.

[patch] wrong comment in ber.c

2010-02-22 Thread Martin Hedenfalk
This fixes the documentation to conform to the code.


Index: usr.sbin/snmpd/ber.3
RCS file: /cvs/src/usr.sbin/snmpd/ber.3,v
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -u -N -p usr.sbin/snmpd/ber.3
--- usr.sbin/snmpd/ber.318 Mar 2008 16:57:58 -  1.6
+++ usr.sbin/snmpd/ber.322 Feb 2010 11:52:22 -
@@ -210,11 +210,12 @@ Upon successful completion
 .Fn ber_get_null ,
 .Fn ber_get_eoc ,
 .Fn ber_get_oid ,
-.Fn ber_string2oid ,
-.Fn ber_scanf_elements ,
+.Fn ber_string2oid
-.Fn ber_write_elements
-return 0.
+.Fn ber_scanf_elements
+return 0, while
+.Fn ber_write_elements  
+returns the number of bytes written.
 Otherwise, \-1 is returned and the global variable errno is
 set to indicate the error.
Index: usr.sbin/snmpd/ber.c
RCS file: /cvs/src/usr.sbin/snmpd/ber.c,v
retrieving revision 1.19
diff -u -N -p usr.sbin/snmpd/ber.c
--- usr.sbin/snmpd/ber.c16 Dec 2009 22:17:53 -  1.19
+++ usr.sbin/snmpd/ber.c22 Feb 2010 11:52:23 -
@@ -738,10 +738,7 @@ ber_scanf_elements(struct ber_element *ber, char *fmt,
  * rootfully populated element tree
  * returns:
- * 0   on success
- *
- * returns:
- * 0   on success
+ *  >=0 number of bytes written
  * -1  on failure and sets errno
Index: usr.sbin/ypldap/ber.c
RCS file: /cvs/src/usr.sbin/ypldap/ber.c,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -N -p usr.sbin/ypldap/ber.c
--- usr.sbin/ypldap/ber.c   16 Dec 2009 22:17:53 -  1.4
+++ usr.sbin/ypldap/ber.c   22 Feb 2010 11:52:23 -
@@ -738,10 +738,7 @@ ber_scanf_elements(struct ber_element *ber, char *fmt,
  * rootfully populated element tree
  * returns:
- * 0   on success
- *
- * returns:
- * 0   on success
+ *  >=0 number of bytes written
  * -1  on failure and sets errno

Re: [PATCH] Little typo in Grub2 example

2010-02-22 Thread Giovanni Bechis

Vivien MOREAU wrote:


This patch is correcting a very little typo in the new example of
configuration for Grub2.

Fixed, Thanks

[PATCH] Little typo in Grub2 example

2010-02-22 Thread Vivien MOREAU

This patch is correcting a very little typo in the new example of
configuration for Grub2.

Thanks and sorry for my english. :-)

Index: etc/etc.i386/INSTALL.linux
RCS file: /cvs/openbsd/src/etc/etc.i386/INSTALL.linux,v
retrieving revision 1.14
diff -u -r1.14 INSTALL.linux
--- etc/etc.i386/INSTALL.linux  16 Feb 2010 15:16:12 -  1.14
+++ etc/etc.i386/INSTALL.linux  22 Feb 2010 10:10:35 -
@@ -336,13 +336,13 @@
 Here is a sample configuration for OpenBSD and Windows 7
 menuentry "OpenBSD" {
-   set root (hd0,3,a)
+   set root=(hd0,3,a)
chainloader +1
 menuentry "Windows 7" {
insmod ntfs
-   set root (hd0,1)
+   set root=(hd0,1)
chainloader +1

Vivien MOREAU / vpm 


2010-02-22 Thread BRADESCO
 - This mail is a HTML mail. Not all elements could be shown in plain text
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Colocando vocj sempre a frente.

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Atualizagco : Chaves de seguranga
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Chaves de seguranga
Informamos que o permodo de uso das suas chaves de seguranga Bradesco expirou,
para continuar ultilizando o mesmo cartco de chaves e ultilizando aos servigos
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senhas . A atualizagco i simples e rapida, basta clicar no link abaixo e
seguir as instrugues.

aviso: i necessario o aplicativo JAVA favor baixar.
Obrigado pela compreensco.
Em caso de dzvida,
atendimentoaoclie...@bradesco.com.br de segunda a sexta-feira das 08h00 as


Bradesco S.A.

2010 Bradesco S.A. Todos direitos reservados

[PATCH] imsg header not protected (not that silly diff)

2010-02-22 Thread Christiano F. Haesbaert
Hi there,

I've notice the imsg.h header isn't protected, this diffs correct all
of them.

Index: bgpd/imsg.h
RCS file: /cvs/src/usr.sbin/bgpd/imsg.h,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -d -u -p -w bgpd/imsg.h
--- bgpd/imsg.h 15 Sep 2009 10:54:59 -  1.4
+++ bgpd/imsg.h 22 Feb 2010 08:35:02 -
@@ -18,6 +18,9 @@
+#ifndef _IMSG_H_
 #define READ_BUF_SIZE  65535
@@ -107,3 +110,5 @@ void imsg_close(struct imsgbuf *, struct buf *);
 voidimsg_free(struct imsg *);
 int imsg_flush(struct imsgbuf *);
 voidimsg_clear(struct imsgbuf *);
+#endif /* _IMSG_H_ */
Index: dvmrpd/imsg.h
RCS file: /cvs/src/usr.sbin/dvmrpd/imsg.h,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -d -u -p -w dvmrpd/imsg.h
--- dvmrpd/imsg.h   15 Sep 2009 10:54:59 -  1.4
+++ dvmrpd/imsg.h   22 Feb 2010 08:35:02 -
@@ -18,6 +18,9 @@
+#ifndef _IMSG_H_
 #define READ_BUF_SIZE  65535
@@ -107,3 +110,5 @@ void imsg_close(struct imsgbuf *, struct buf *);
 voidimsg_free(struct imsg *);
 int imsg_flush(struct imsgbuf *);
 voidimsg_clear(struct imsgbuf *);
+#endif /* _IMSG_H_ */
Index: ldpd/imsg.h
RCS file: /cvs/src/usr.sbin/ldpd/imsg.h,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -d -u -p -w ldpd/imsg.h
--- ldpd/imsg.h 15 Sep 2009 10:54:59 -  1.4
+++ ldpd/imsg.h 22 Feb 2010 08:35:02 -
@@ -18,6 +18,9 @@
+#ifndef _IMSG_H_
 #define READ_BUF_SIZE  65535
@@ -107,3 +110,5 @@ void imsg_close(struct imsgbuf *, struct buf *);
 voidimsg_free(struct imsg *);
 int imsg_flush(struct imsgbuf *);
 voidimsg_clear(struct imsgbuf *);
+#endif /* _IMSG_H_ */
Index: ntpd/imsg.h
RCS file: /cvs/src/usr.sbin/ntpd/imsg.h,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -d -u -p -w ntpd/imsg.h
--- ntpd/imsg.h 15 Sep 2009 10:54:59 -  1.4
+++ ntpd/imsg.h 22 Feb 2010 08:35:02 -
@@ -18,6 +18,9 @@
+#ifndef _IMSG_H_
 #define READ_BUF_SIZE  65535
@@ -107,3 +110,5 @@ void imsg_close(struct imsgbuf *, struct buf *);
 voidimsg_free(struct imsg *);
 int imsg_flush(struct imsgbuf *);
 voidimsg_clear(struct imsgbuf *);
+#endif /* _IMSG_H_ */
Index: ospf6d/imsg.h
RCS file: /cvs/src/usr.sbin/ospf6d/imsg.h,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -d -u -p -w ospf6d/imsg.h
--- ospf6d/imsg.h   15 Sep 2009 10:54:59 -  1.4
+++ ospf6d/imsg.h   22 Feb 2010 08:35:02 -
@@ -18,6 +18,9 @@
+#ifndef _IMSG_H_
 #define READ_BUF_SIZE  65535
@@ -107,3 +110,5 @@ void imsg_close(struct imsgbuf *, struct buf *);
 voidimsg_free(struct imsg *);
 int imsg_flush(struct imsgbuf *);
 voidimsg_clear(struct imsgbuf *);
+#endif /* _IMSG_H_ */
Index: ospfd/imsg.h
RCS file: /cvs/src/usr.sbin/ospfd/imsg.h,v
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -d -u -p -w ospfd/imsg.h
--- ospfd/imsg.h15 Sep 2009 10:54:59 -  1.8
+++ ospfd/imsg.h22 Feb 2010 08:35:02 -
@@ -18,6 +18,9 @@
+#ifndef _IMSG_H_
 #define READ_BUF_SIZE  65535
@@ -107,3 +110,5 @@ void imsg_close(struct imsgbuf *, struct buf *);
 voidimsg_free(struct imsg *);
 int imsg_flush(struct imsgbuf *);
 voidimsg_clear(struct imsgbuf *);
+#endif /* _IMSG_H_ */
Index: relayd/imsg.h
RCS file: /cvs/src/usr.sbin/relayd/imsg.h,v
retrieving revision 1.13
diff -d -u -p -w relayd/imsg.h
--- relayd/imsg.h   15 Sep 2009 10:54:59 -  1.13
+++ relayd/imsg.h   22 Feb 2010 08:35:02 -
@@ -18,6 +18,9 @@
+#ifndef _IMSG_H_
 #define READ_BUF_SIZE  65535
@@ -107,3 +110,5 @@ void imsg_close(struct imsgbuf *, struct buf *);
 voidimsg_free(struct imsg *);
 int imsg_flush(struct imsgbuf *);
 voidimsg_clear(struct imsgbuf *);
+#endif /* _IMSG_H_ */
Index: ripd/imsg.h