To:  Olde Fort Inn


bChristmas Toy Driveb

For $ 49.00, help 10 children receive toys for Christmas,  

and you will get 

X-Rays & TWO Free Dental Exams 

as well as  

TWO Teeth Cleanings

(One now, and one in six month)

(Reg. Price $390)

Expires: Dec. 31st

Important Note:

Even IF you are insured and your insurance would pay for these exams, x-rays 
and cleanings, you MUST remember that BECAUSE your Insurance now will NOT get 
billed for $ 390, you will have a $ 390 credit for additional dental work. 

Because you are not using your insurance for these x-rays, exams and cleanings, 
you can use the $ 390 credit later for fillings, gum disease treatment, etc.!!

Yes, even IF you are insured, this will give you a $ 390 advantage AND help 10 
children receive toys for Christmas!J J J   


To learn more, go to:


I, Dr. William Limongelli will give you an X-ray and two free dental cleanings 
and exams for donating $ 49.00 to help 10 children receive toys for Christmas.

Letbs face it. We are fortunate enough to have money to buy not only 
necessities but luxury items like toys for our children.  Some less fortunate 
children and orphans do not have the luxury of owning even one toy to play 
with. Why not put a smile on a childbs face with the gift of their first toy?

We canbt solve all the problems in the world b I know b but what about 
starting somewhere?

(For more details on how we will be collecting toys, Click Here.) 

This is why I started a     

bChristmas Toy Driveb campaign

This program greatly rewards the donator.


P.S.:  You can give the $ 49.00 special gift (x-rays, dental cleanings and 
exams) to anyone you like, but no more than five gifts per person will be 
accepted. Expires: Dec. 31st

Also, churches and non-profit organizations can use this as a fundraiser for 
their own organization.

Furthermore, the first cleaning might be delayed by a few weeks due to a large 
volume of responses. Thank you for your patience.



Wishing you a happy and prosperous holiday,

W. A. Limongelli, D.D.S.

12 Warburton Ave.

Yonkers, NY 10701




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