Hello LP buildd admins,

I'm often asked to build a package on a particular builder; mostly
because only a subset of the PPA buildds are able to build LibreOffice,
and sometimes we also want to pick the fastest builder available for an
urgent build.

I was getting sick of doing the clickery-doo on
https://launchpad.net/builders, so I wrote a silly little script to show
builders and their state, and set them to manual/auto:

$ control-builders list
ross            distro active    auto   ok
sulfur          distro active    auto   fail (RT#53942)
dryad           ppa   active    auto   fail (Resuming failed:)

$ control-builders list manual ross dryad

You can also grep "list" and re-use its output:

$ control-builders list  | grep manual | control-builders auto -

to set all manual builders back to auto.

It's in lp:ubuntu-archive-tools:


Perhaps it's useful for someone else as well.


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