On 6/8/05, Budi Aprianto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> kayanya karena DWL-2000AP+ support access point, point to point
> wireless bridge, point to multipoint wireless bridge, wireless client.
> sedangkan yg router (DI-524, DI-624+) biasanya support access point
> saja.
> --
> budiap

Saya juga punya pertanyaan sama dengan Mas Ronny.:)
Padahal yang versi router itu bisa kita apakan saja, terutama kalau
kita bisa ganti OS-nya dengan Linux yang akhirnya jadi seperti
komputer. Mau dipasang EAP (TinyPEAP) juga oke. WRT54G punya saya,
bisa kok mau jadi access point, mau jadi client, mau ad-hoc. Ada
dhcpd, ada httpd. Mau dijadikan bridge juga bisa, Dan asyiknya, ada
sshd! :D

Ngutip dari Linksys:
"The Linksys Wireless-G Broadband Router is really three devices in
one box. First, there's the Wireless Access Point, which lets you
connect Wireless-G or Wireless-B devices to the network. There's also
a built-in 4-port full-duplex 10/100 Switch to connect your
wired-Ethernet devices.Connect four PCs directly, or daisy-chain out
to more hubs and switches to create as big a network as you need.
Finally, the Router function ties it all together and lets your whole
network share a high-speed cable or DSL Internet connection, files,
and other resources such as printers and hard disk storage space."

Mungkin kalau yang ingin pakai cuman buat bridge dan nggak mau
capek-capek ngoprek (and not to loose the warranty by installing
unofficial firmware!!!), mungkin access point saja, masih jadi
pilihan. Kayaknya faktor ekonomi saja deh.

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