[teknologia] Re: Cyberwar

2006-01-29 Terurut Topik Ryo Saeba

On 1/29/06, Oskar Syahbana [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Bukannya US sendiri sedang mengembangkan teknologi ultrasonic impulse?
 Itu loh, yang bisa ngerusak electronic device dalam jarak sekian kilo.
 Pas perang irak kemarin rencananya akan dipakai, tapi ternyata
 teknologinya belum siap. Bomnya gedenya satu truk gitu loh...

kalo nggak salah ingat, bukan untuk disabling electronic device, tapi
untuk disabling personil / deterrent. mungkin mirip seperti LRAD,

bacaan lainnya tentang senjata sonic ada di

kalau di game dune, itu ada sonic tank, lalu di tintin ada senjata
rahasia buatan profesor kalkulus yang juga berdasarkan sonic wave.

kalau untuk disabling electronic device, ya mestinya pakai EMP, yang
bisa dihasilkan dengan ledakan nuklir.

ataukah yang dimaksud adalah yang ini (mirip dalam hal seukuran truk):

Sonic weapons in the news

The U.S. DOD has demonstrated phased arrays of infrasonic emitters.
The weapon usually consists of a siren that sounds at about 7Hz. The
output from the siren's interrupter is routed (by pipes) to an array
of open emitters, which are usually one wavelength apart. At this
frequency, armor and concrete walls and other common building
materials vibrate, and therefore provide no defense. The frequency is
chosen to be near the resonant frequency of internal organs, causing
illness, deafness, and internal injuries.

The resulting weapon is the size of a truck, fragile, shoots at the
speed of sound, and has a substantially shorter range than missiles or
artillery shells. Shells move faster than the speed of sound, so
artillery can win by shooting after the infrasonic weapon turns on,
but before the sound arrives. Also, mechanical diode walls to
convert the oscillating air into a steady flow have been demonstrated.
Although not common at this time, they could be mass-produced and
would provide an effective countermeasure.

Luxury cruise ship Seabourn Spirit employed an LRAD, a commercial
type of a sonic weapon, in an attempt to repel pirates who attacked
160 km off the coast of Somalia in early November 2005.

I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good, http://data.startrek.or.id
things left unsaid, http://ryosaeba.wordpress.com

[teknologia] Re: Cyberwar

2006-01-28 Terurut Topik didik achmadi
On 1/28/06, baskara [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Potong kabel itu hanya memutus jalur interkoneksi ke lain negara.Koneksi di dalam negeri masih lancar2 saja. ;-)
kenapa gak santet aja adminnya ??
itu bener2 serangan yang remote khan ??

*salam semua !, udah lama gak maen2 ke teknologia nih*-- Best RegardsDidik Achmadihttp://achmadi.net

[teknologia] Re: Cyberwar

2006-01-28 Terurut Topik Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto

- Original Message - 
From: Harry Sufehmi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: teknologia@googlegroups.com
Sent: Saturday, January 28, 2006 1:47 PM
Subject: [teknologia] Re: Cyberwar

 On 1/28/2006 at 9:00 AM Ronald wrote:
 Di jaman internet kayak gini, koq jarang ya denger tentang cyberwar?
 (yg beneran maksudnya - antar negara, bukan antar kelompok cracker).
 Saya wonder aja, mestinya di tiap angkatan bersenjata masing2 negara
 mestinya ada divisi information warfare ya?

 Ada, yang punyanya Uncle Sam dibahas disini:

 Ngeri  :-(

Indonesia kan belum punya network computer sendiri..
Semuanya kan masih ikut punya orang...
Jadi kalo mau ngerusak network computer Indonesia harus ngerusak banyak
negara terlebih dulu...
he he he he he...

[teknologia] Re: Cyberwar

2006-01-28 Terurut Topik Oskar Syahbana


Bukannya US sendiri sedang mengembangkan teknologi ultrasonic impulse?
Itu loh, yang bisa ngerusak electronic device dalam jarak sekian kilo.
Pas perang irak kemarin rencananya akan dipakai, tapi ternyata
teknologinya belum siap. Bomnya gedenya satu truk gitu loh...

Oskar Syahbana