RE: TeraScript-Talk: 7.1.5 pre-release

2019-07-23 Thread Robert Shubert
7.1.5 release notes

Decode hex now handles NULL bytes properly

Create valid SQL when an empty array is the value of an IS IN criteria

SQL Server native client will now properly bind values over 8000 bytes to 
varchar(max) columns

JDBC data sources will now properly read column names set by the AS clause

Fixed issue on Linux where DirectDBMS actions didn't return a resultset

Fixed WebCall action not allowing TML for Content-Type header

WebCall action now supports client-side certificates

WebCall action now supports DELETE HTTP verb

Fixed bug in CDATA encoding

@HTTPATTRIBUTE can now return any header

@ARRAY can now create a 0-row array

New tags: <@HASHPASSWORD password> & <@VERIFYPASSWORD password hash>

New tag [Experimental]: <@FASTFILTER array column value [unique] [scope]> 
returns row(s) where column = value

Restored Script Action on 64-bit Windows platform

Now control cURL's VERIFYPEER and VERIFYHOST with configuration variables, 
affects @URL and Webcall Action

Root certificate file used by cURL is now configuration CACERTFILE. Default is 

Configuration variable METHODERRORFILE points to a file which will be executed 
when an error occurs in a method and there is no error TML

Configuration variable LOGARGUMENTLIMIT

Standard License will now work on systems with up to 8 cores

Improved query timeout mechanism

Improved IIS plugin execution and safety

Fixed some memory leaks

Update Windows dependencies: cURL 7.61.1; OpenSSL 1.0.2p

From: Fogelson, Steve []
Sent: Monday, July 22, 2019 2:32 PM
Subject: RE: TeraScript-Talk: 7.1.5 pre-release

Hi Robert,

Are there any release notes (Features & bug fixes) available?


Steve Fogelson

From: Robert Shubert> >
Sent: Sunday, July 21, 2019 6:49 PM
Subject: TeraScript-Talk: 7.1.5 pre-release

Windows Users,

Please consider downloading the latest build of 7.1.5 from this link. I believe 
this is the release build, but I'd like to know if anyone hits any problems 
with it.




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RE: TeraScript-Talk: Web Service

2019-07-23 Thread Robert Shubert
In this:

Value: <@var request$OrderSummary aprefix="" asuffix='' rprefix="" rsuffix="" 
cprefix="" csuffix="" csep="," rsep=";">

You need type=text:

Value: <@var request$OrderSummary aprefix="" asuffix='' rprefix="" rsuffix="" 
cprefix="" csuffix="" csep="," rsep=";" type=text>

From: Fogelson, Steve []
Sent: Monday, July 22, 2019 3:18 PM
Subject: RE: TeraScript-Talk: Web Service

Hi Robert,

I have some time to dig into this now and am having a bit of trouble. I must 
have something simple wrong here.


I have placed the following in the Web Call of the export program

Post Data tab


Name: PostArg

Value: <@var request$OrderSummary aprefix="" asuffix='' rprefix="" rsuffix="" 
cprefix="" csuffix="" csep="," rsep=";">

To see the results, I email them with the following in the Body of the Email 
action on the server import program.

mypostargnames: <@postargnames>

mypostargsarray: <@postarg name="PostArg" type="array">

mypostargstext: <@postarg name="PostArg" type="text">

PostArgArray: <@arg PostArg type="array">

PostArg: <@arg PostArg>

The email displays the following:




<@__REF name=OrderSummary userref=__184A07DC9AA3E1895D363564>

mypostargstext: <@__REF name=OrderSummary userref=__184A07DC9AA3E1895D363564>

<@__REF name=OrderSummary userref=__184A07DC9AA3E1895D363564>

PostArg: <@__REF name=OrderSummary userref=__184A07DC9AA3E1895D363564>

From: Robert Shubert> >
Sent: Friday, July 12, 2019 10:46 AM
Subject: RE: TeraScript-Talk: Web Service

Your assumption about the URL is correct.

I would suggest using post arguments since they will be easily available in the 
server taf as @ARGs

The trick then, is your array, you'll need to stringify it.

I usually do something like this:

<@VAR orderSummary aprefix='' asuffix='' rprefix='' rsuffix='' cprefix='' 
csuffix='' csep=',' rsep=';'>

Because that value will drop into <@ARRAY value=<@ARG …>> however, that assumes 
there can never be any commas or semicolons in the data.

Another idea, since you are only posting 1 order, you could transpose that row. 
In the Webcall Action Post tab, the top option is for an array. That array must 
be 2 columns where the first column are argument names and the second column 
are the values. You can have as many rows as you want. Try this:

<@ASSIGN postArgs <@ARRAY 

<@FOR stop=<@NUMCOLS array=request$OrderSummary>>

<@ADDROWS postArgs <@ARRAY 

(same caveat with the commas and semicolons)

Once you have that postArgs array, you can pass it to the Webcall Argument 
Array and TS will take care of the rest. Each row of that array will be an 
argument available on the server, eg <@ARG OrderDetail>


PS. The format you suggest below would be a single block of text delimited by 
CRLFs. This is doable, but not as highly structured as other options, including 
what I'm suggesting here.

From: Fogelson, Steve []
Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2019 1:15 PM
Subject: RE: TeraScript-Talk: Web Service

Thanks Robert,

I have started the project and have a quick question

For each order I need to transmit, I have five tables involved.

In the web call, I thought I would use the Data field on the Post Data tab. 
Would the correct format to be used in that field be the following?

<@var request$OrderSummary[<@var request$OrderRow>,*]>

<@var request$OrderDetail>

<@var request$SaleCredit>

<@var request$Activity>

<@var request$SalesReceipt>

<@var request$ToDoItem>

Also, I assume the url would be to the taf on the server end to import the data?



From: Robert Shubert> >
Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2019 1:14 PM
Subject: RE: TeraScript-Talk: Web Service

I think you're going about it the right way.

A web service is nothing more than a regular TAF, but one that a computer is 
going to send a request to, rather than a browser.

I wouldn't use the "web service" technology which is soap based, think along 
the lines of other http APIs you've used that use post arguments or name value 

The easiest way to do this is to break the import taf you already have into two 
parts. The first, running on the laptop, prepares the data for the database, 
but instead of an INSERT action, it makes a WEBCALL, with the data packaged in 
some serialized format.

The second half, residing 

RE: TeraScript-Talk: First time doing Direct_DBMS

2019-07-23 Thread Robert Shubert
You can see generated SQL with @SQL and @BOUNDVALS, just output those tags 
immediately after the query.

-Original Message-
From: Wayne Irvine []
Sent: Monday, July 22, 2019 7:03 PM
Subject: Re: TeraScript-Talk: First time doing Direct_DBMS

Well no luck so far on the Direct_DBMS action.

Tried with a fresh new table and very simple SQL statement and got the same 

I would really love a way to actually log the SQL statement generated and sent 
by the Search Action. The one in the Debug uses aliases and you can’t see the 
steps beforehand to test it out.


> On 12 Jul 2019, at 10:23 am, Wayne Irvine  wrote:
> This is Mac OSX Sierra Server 10.12.6 and Filemaker Server Advanced 12.
> What i would like to be able to log is the call the Search action makes to 
> the JDBC plugin. Then I could emulate tis is a Direct_DBMS action and modify 
> from there.
> One thing that has got me thinking is the actions next to Direct_DBMS. 
> Begin_Transaction and End_Transaction. Do these need to be before and after 
> the Direct_DBMS action? I’ve never seen documentation for how these work.
> Wayne
>> On 12 Jul 2019, at 9:12 am, ubslab  wrote:
>> Wayne,
>> Am I correct assume this is all on a MacOS server?
>> If so, which version of OS and FileMaker are you using?
>> - Steve K
>> On 7/10/2019 7:18 PM, wrote:
>>> Wayne,
>>> I recall needing to adjust datatype(s) in FM databases to work
>>> correctly with Wtango and JDBC/ODBC.
>>> Perhaps a test FM db with only integer columns.
>>> - Steve K
>>> On 7/10/19 7:06 PM, ubslab wrote:

 Are you able to connect to FM table.columns in the Terascribe
 editor JDBC/ODBC panel?

 - Steve K

 On 7/10/19 6:45 PM, Wayne Irvine wrote:
>> On 11 Jul 2019, at 12:38 am, Robert Shubert
>> wrote:
>> Wayne,
>> First do a simple query like "SELECT 1" just to double check the DBMS.
> I tried:
> SELECT 1 FROM Packages
> both gave an error.
>> Then try grabbing just one row "SELECT packagename FROM Packages
>> WHERE packagename = '{known name}’"
> SELECT packagename FROM Packages WHERE packagename = 'Kessell Run’
> Error
>> If that works, then we may be looking for a bug dealing with
>> non-value. Try "SELECT packagename FROM Packages WHERE
>> packagename IS NOT NULL”
> SELECT packagename FROM Packages WHERE packagename IS NOT NULL
> Error
>> What version of TS are you running? There was a JDBC fix in 7.1.1
>> and I have another fix (which may be your problem) coming in 7.1.5.
> Wayne
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