Hi folks!

I've just requested a 26 Final candidate compose, which will show up
(assuming it succeeds) in several hours, under the name '26 RC-1.1'.
Despite the name, this compose will not be a true 'release candidate'
compose for 26 Final, as several blockers are still not fixed. However,
we wanted to run a compose just to check that everything is set up
properly and the quite large number of FE fixes that will be pulled in
don't cause any unexpected problems.

The compose will be nominated for validation testing as usual, and any
testing anyone wants to do on it would be most welcome, but be aware
that we're hoping to do a 'real' 26 Final RC compose tomorrow, so this
first candidate compose will probably be short-lived.

I'll let you know if anything changes.

Thanks, everyone!
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
IRC: adamw | Twitter: AdamW_Fedora | XMPP: adamw AT happyassassin . net
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