Re: Powerpoint for tetex?

2000-04-09 Thread Anders Andersen

> How do you get the slides properly centered? I found that when I
> used the [landscape, a4paper] options, the text seemed too far to
> the left.

I use this script (xxdvi) on a 1024x768 screen (600pt/in document):

  xdvi -name XXDVI -expert -p 600 -s 7 -geometry 1024x768+0+0 \
-paper 30.2x22.64cm -xoffset 2.64cm -yoffset 3.36cm $*

You might have to fine tune it for your environment.  I also have the
following in my .fvwm2rc file to remove the borders:

  Style "XXDVI"   NoTitle, NoHandles, BorderWidth 0

> Mike


Anders Andersen -  - 

Re: OT: Vector graphics in pdfTeX

2000-04-09 Thread Christophe BERNARD

I believe you missed the simplest path that is

xfig -> (export) -> eps -> (epstopdf) -> pdf

and then the pdf's can be embedded with the graphicx package.

Christophe BERNARD
Centre de Mathématiques Appliquées, École Polytechnique,
91128 Palaiseau cédex, FRANCE  tél 33-1-69334665 -- fax 33-1-69333011

On 8 Apr 2000, Sascha Lüdecke wrote:

SLd>Hi all!
SLd>I normally make my graphics with xfig since it produces nice vector
SLd>output which can be scaled easily within latex.  Now I want to switch
SLd>to pdfTeX and recognized, that xfig always uses \special{} with
SLd>postscript commands, which are not understood by PDF (AFAIK).
SLd>Is there any conversion tool which transforms my .fig into something
SLd>scalabe?  I know I can import png and alike, but this is pixel based.
SLd>Or did I miss anything?
SLd>This may be offtopic.  Anyhow, I would be glad, if you can point me to
SLd>the right location.
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