Reinhard Kotucha writes:
> Hi Olaf,

>> You've either got two different latex formats, where the two
>> cases differ in which one they find, or tex and latex end up at
>> different binaries (or a combination of both).

>> Use the --kpathsea-debug=-1 flag to find out where the format
>> files are found.

> Yes, I just see that latex is elatex.  Seems to be quite dangerous.
> Normally one can avoid the %&format line but makempx needs it since it
> always calls tex.  It's probably not a good idea to fool tex about its
> name.

Not entire certain whether it is in 7.3.4, but mpost has gotten a flag
that allows you specify the TeX program to use on the command line.

Olaf Weber

Do not meddle in the affairs of sysadmins,
        for they are quick to anger and have no need for subtlety.

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